Martin Lechner <> さんは書きました:
I try to set up my system (Suse8.2) with Japanese support. I used the folowing parameters:
export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 export LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.UTF-8
canna Server kinput2 Input method
Here my Questions: 1: I cant write Japanese in the Kile latex editor. I can write in kwrite. In Kile, the charackters appear, but when I save it, and reload, i have just ???? there. If I open a document written in Kwrite, I get boxes instead of ????. Any suggestions?
I cannot reproduce that. With the locale settings you use kile automatically selects UTF-8 as the file encoding (displayed at the lower left of the kile window). And I can correctly save and reload Japanese text and verify that it is indeed correctly saved in UTF-8 encoding by viewing the file in a UTF-8 capable terminal. -- Mike Fabian <> 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。