ピアス エリック <eric_karatsujp@yahoo.co.jp> さんは書きました:
I compiled IceWM 1.2.0 for international support (--enable-i18n). In the program menu, IceWM seems to have a problem (bug?) with any folder or program with Japanese characters for its name. Here's a screenshot which demonstrates the problem. http://epierce.freeshell.org/menu.png
If you'll note, the four (automated by IceWM) Japanese entries up from the bottom have proper quick-keys assigned (i.e., the (A), (T), etc.), but the 7-8 Japanese entries that I added all have a problem (i.e., just a little dot shows up). After a quick look at 'ja/LC_MESSAGES/icewm.mo', I tried to copy what was going on there by adding something like (_M) after the Japanese in the 'menu' file in hopes of assigning my own quick-key, but that didn't work. IceWM only seems to be looking for roman characters for its automatic quick-key assignment.
This problem has apparently been fixed in icewm-1.2.7. It was still there in the icewm-1.2.6 distributed with SuSE Linux 8.2. Updated icewm packages for SuSE 8.2 are here: ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-i586/icewm-1.2.7-0.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-i586/icewm-default-1.2.7-0.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-i586/icewm-gnome-1.2.7-0.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-i586/icewm-lite-1.2.7-0.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-src/icewm-1.2.7-0.src.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-src/icewm-default-1.2.7-0.nosrc.rpm ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/mfabian/8.2-src/icewm-lite-1.2.7-0.nosrc.rpm I didn't do anything related to the problem reported by Eric, this must have been fixed upstream. The above new packages contain another improvement though which is not (yet) in the upstream version of icewm. They use font rendering via Xft by default always, even on displays without render extension. This has the advantage that it is very easy to have font settings which work correctly in most locales, the defaults "sans" and "monospace" work for most locales automatically because these aliases are expanded automatically to a font suitable for the current locale according to the rules in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. See for example the screen shot http://www.suse.de/~mfabian/misc/icewm-20030426/icewm-japanese-anti-aliased.... This shows icewm running in an Xnest (Xnest has no RENDER extension), nevertheless you see the Japanese texts shown by icewm (with my patch applied) with anti-aliasing. The locale is ja_JP.UTF-8, the same font settings work in ja_JP.eucJP as well (and in most other locales). Xft2 works fine on displays without RENDER extension, there is no reason to switch it off automatically when a display without render extension is detected. Even with this patch, you can still switch off Xft font rendering by using the option XFreeType=0 in the "preferences" config file. But then you need to change the default font settings in that config file as well, as Xft is now used always by default, I optimised the default font settings for use with Xft. To check the problem reported by Eric, I edited ~/.icewm/menu a bit to contain an entry menufile ツールバー(_M) folder toolbar You can see that this apparently doesn't work with icewm-1.2.6: http://www.suse.de/~mfabian/misc/icewm-20030426/icewm-1.2.6-japanese-menu-ke... (you still see the underscore in front of the "M" in the screen shot), but it works correctly in icewm-1.2.7: http://www.suse.de/~mfabian/misc/icewm-20030426/icewm-1.2.7-japanese-anti-al... (it doesn't only look correct, the key also work :-)) Both screen shots are made when running in ja_JP.UTF-8 locale in Xnest, you can see that the Japanese displays as boxes in the icewm-1.2.6 screen shot but looks fine in the icewm-1.2.7 screen shot. The icewm-1.2.6 screen shot doesn't use Xft but X11 core fonts (because of lack of the RENDER extension in Xnest) and the default font settings are not OK for Japanese in UTF-8. This can be fixed rather easily by using different font settings in "preferences", but it is not so easy to find settings which work for all locales, especially not because the maximum line length of the icewm config files is limited to 256 characters, you reach that limit easily if you use long font sets. Don't worry that the fonts look huge in the screen shot of icewm-1.2.7, this is just because the rather small Xnest (800x600 pixels) is running on my big screen with 1600x1200 pixels and a resolution of 112x112 dots per inch. The resolution in the Xnest is therefore also 112x112 dots per inch and as the font size is specified in point and scalable fonts are used, this results in rather huge fonts for a 800x600 screen. On a real 800x600 display the resolution would be smaller which would result in smaller fonts ("smaller" meaning less pixels heigh). -- Mike Fabian <mfabian@suse.de> http://www.suse.de/~mfabian 睡眠不足はいい仕事の敵だ。