Just so I make sure it gets posted up here to the ML.
That's the beginning of a lxqt-branding package for LXQt-openSUSE.
It includes Michaels themes that he developed a few years back, but
never added into the repositories.
To play around with it as it sits, since I've not bothered packaging it
yet, you would just grab it from github, and do:
sudo cp -R etc/ /
sudo cp -R usr/ /
obviously, that's only on a fresh system/fresh user, to have any
effect, as this only affects the *default* configurations, any existing
user configurations in ~/.config/ will override this.
The current theme that is showing up in sddm is just a generic one I
grabbed, just to change it from the one that openSUSE ships as the base
(which is also basically determined by the KDE guys, I think), so that
we could differentiate LXQt from KDE.
I'm curious if anyone knows what we need to fulfil to get LXQt as additional
desktop into MicroOS Desktop - and later into ALP.
Having LXQt in MOS would really give a very lean system - much leaner than the
current Gnome or KDE.