Hi, On Wed, Mar 24, 2021, at 21:18, Emil Johansson wrote:
I do not open up Gnome Software super often but for a while now it has been stuck at "Software catalog is being downloaded" every time open it.
As I rarely open it I cannot give a good estimate on when this started to happen but it happens every time. The flatpak cli works just fine.
Removing the cache in .cache/gnome-software and starting from the cli with --verbose this is where it hangs:
19:20:36:0325 Gs running search on plugin=flatpak with dedupe-flags=24 with [...] 19:20:36:0325 Gs Disconnecting cancellable 0x56268dbe51e0 19:20:36:0326 Gs ****** GetResultMetas
I ran it again today and it does not look exactly the same but running search on plugin=flatpak [...] is at the bottom of the output again.
Searching the webs this seems to have been an issue in the past, those times it looks like it was related to things like pakagekit and fwupd.
systemctl status packagekit tells me that packagekit have failed with this error that says it is not an error. The packagekit service failed so I am leaning towards not trusting the part that says it is not an error.
History database cannot be created: SQLite error on ":memory:": Failed to open backup database: "/usr/lib/sysimage/dnf/history.sqlite": not an error
I followed the excellent guide by dariofaggioli to set up gnome software and it has worked well until recently. (https://dariofaggioli.wordpress.com/2020/10/16/opensuse-microos-as-your-desk...)
Today a massive release for MicroOS (Gnome desktop) was accepted into Factory. Once this has gone through the openQA testing it will be released (hopefully within the next few days) as a new snapshot. The following things have been fixed : - packegekit/ transactional-update backends have been changed from zypper to dnf, making it possible for Gnome Software to install updates - necessary gsettings options from Dario's manual are included by default. - gnome night light works, because of the addition of the package gnome-color-manager - Flathub is installed on first boot, together with a few flatpaks (Firefox, gnome calculator and gedit) - SELinux enabled by default (instead of AppArmor) - btrfs with CoW for /home /Syds
PS: on snapshot 20210321