Hey all, Well, as many have done here already, I took the plunge last evening and converted over to 3.1 as well. Why did I hesitate so long, was the first question that came to mind. :o) It is very pretty and functional. Everything is so much faster and smoother operating. My hat goes off to the many KDE programmers and beta testers, but I am curious about two things so far. Why won't Krusader work and Konq file manager as root work? I don't know about others here, but those are two of my most used programs and having them not work is bad. Last evening I tried a couple of things to test though and maybe someone has already figured out an answer. Logged in as user, Konq just comes up and disappears, while Krusader just does a Sig11. Logged in as root, Konq works ok for me, but Krusader still gives a Sig11. I was able to start Konq from the menu, icon & shell logged in as root, so one would first think it's a matter of permissions? Krusader is just broke, so that will take a fix to repair it, I'm guessing or would it be possible to compile it and have a working program? Thanks for any hints. Are others experiencing the same anomalies with these two programs? Seems I remember reading someone's mail complaining of these also. Overall though, KDE 3.1 gets very high marks! Patrick-- --- KMail v1.5 --- SuSE Linux Pro v8.1 --- Registered Linux User #225206 On any other day, that might seem strange...

Hey all,
Hello PL O'Smith,
It is very pretty and functional. Everything is so much faster and smoother operating. My hat goes off to the many KDE programmers and beta testers, but I am curious about two things so far. Why won't Krusader work and Konq file manager as root work?
I had the same problem with krusader using the 1.10 rpm for SuSE 8.1. After updating to kde3.1 krusader just crashed at startup.... After trying to compile the 1.11 version, which didn't work either, I used the 1.12.beta and compiled it. This version starts without a crash, but I wasn't able to get any buttons or menus, just the help-menu..........which wasn't really helpful in this case:-) I searched around in the krusader-board an found the solution: Just copy the content of the krusader-dir under /usr/local/kde/share/apps to your home under ~/.kde/share/apps/krusader. Restart....et voila...a working krusader under kde3.1. Hope this helps. ZeSolo
participants (2)
Daniel Kröger
PL O'Smith