On Monday 30 August 2004 19:32, Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Monday 30 August 2004 17:02, Jake Sallee wrote:
Does anyone know if/when suse will release KDE 3.3 over yast2 online update? --
Approximately never. YOU only does incremental updates--mostly for security or other bug-fix purposes--to packages that were included in official SuSE distributions.
I see. I was wondering if they were actually going to release it since 3.3 came out in only 6 months.
KDE 3.3 will presumably part of the next official release from SuSE, though there are fears / suspicions that now that SuSE is part of Novell, Ximian will become the desktop of choice. Personally, I'll be sticking with KDE, even if it means switching from SuSE, though I don't want to do that. It does seem unlikely they'd stop including it, but whether it will get as strong a support as it has traditionally received in SuSE is not currently known (outside SuSE / Novell).
Yah, I know this. I really hope they decide on KDE as the default desktop...especially since SuSE put so much development into it. If RedHat is going to be #1 Linux seller with GNOME as their default, than SuSE should stick with KDE. I just don't like GNOME and for me it's like comparing Apple's OS9 to OSX...9 just doesn't cut it.
Jake Sallee
Randall Schulz
-- Peace, Jake Sallee spark@breathedeeply.com Hate viruses? Hate Microsoft? Try Linux! SuSE Linux 9.1 Professional www.suse.com