Hi Andreas! Thank you for your reply. I will attach an ethereal as soon I have time for that. But I don't believe it's an server based problem. I have the problem with a cyrus 2.1.15 running on another machine as well as with a cyrus 2.2.3 running on localhost. But it's only an IMAP fetch call which should be used. This is so essential to IMAP, that this cannot be a server problem IMHO. I assume a timing problem. Either while accessing the mail on the server or while accessing the local copy in the cache. The chance for me to get this problem is much higher when I consecutively click on some messages rather quick. Greets, Daniel
El Lun 27 Dic 2004 09:53, Daniel Eckl escribió:
Does anybody of you use kmail with IMAP?
I do.
Since KDE 3.3.1 (I think) I have the problem, that (approx.) every 10th mail I select, the preview is not shown, the preview page remains empty. I now use kde 3.3.2 (actual SuSE supplemetary for SuSE 9.1) and the problem persists.
I have been seeing the same problem since before 3.3.1, if I remember correctly. I haven't been able to reliantly reproduce the situation which triggers the problem, but when it occurs, I have learned to close KMail and start it again. This usually resolves the IMAP preview problem.
Right-clicking on the IMAP folder and selecting 'Refresh folder list' doesn't help, but I have always assumed it was a folder cache related problem.
BTW, I am running a Cyrus 2.1.12 server on the same box where I see the KMail problem.
Sorry I can't be of more help, I certainly would like to learn as well what's at the root of this problem.
Regards, -- Andreas Philipp Noema Ltda. Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
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