In any case you should NOT run all these progs while being logged into KDE as root, not at all. Do you have a special reason for logging in as root and wanting to run kinternet and kscd? You better log in as a user, and su to root just for a special task where you need to be root. HTH, Matt On Monday 07 July 2003 05:13, Martin Brüggebors wrote:
I have a annoying problem with kinternet and kscd (maybe more apps, didn't test yet): When I do start kinternet, the kinternet-icon (plug with green ball) doesn't show up in kicker. I did move all the icons a litte (and even more!), but the kinternet-icon is not there.
Starting kinternet again gives the message: 'kinternet is already running!'. Well, yes, that's true... The same behaviour occurs with kscd.
Strange enough, this only happens to 'root', not to other users.
My system is SuSE 8.2 / KDE 3.1.2 now, but the problem occured since 8.1/KDE 3.1.
Any clues? Martin