On Wednesday 29 March 2006 00:00, Christian Fröbel wrote:
Hello Karaoulis,
just follow the instructions given here: http://en.opensuse.org/Restricted_Formats and you should have mp3-support.
bye, Christian
No, that's not the answer. I prefer installing rpms from packman. BUT , packman ony support KDE 3.4.2 (obvsiously) and if someone update the system via supplementary, must stick with kdemultimedia 3.4.2. So the really question is if someone install the missing rpms from kde.org (like arts-mad, kdemultimedia-mad etc) will mp3 come back in life (without using the ugly thing called realplayer) Thank you . __________________________________________________ ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå Yahoo!; ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Yahoo! Mail äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí ìçíõìÜôùí http://mail.yahoo.gr