Am Freitag, 3. April 2009 13:16:37 schrieb Daniel Mader:
This means maintaining three KDE 4 versions. KDE 4.1 in STABLE, KDE 4.2 in "Release" (I guess you want version updates there too) and KDE 4.3 in Factory, which is worked on. UNSTABLE you are lacking completely.
I have never quite understood why we are maintaining fully outdated versions in the community distribution at all...
Then you should search the archives. KDE:STABLE is the place that exists to test patches that will be distributed via YOU, i.e. official patches. Those have to be tested or do you want them to be supplied untested? So that's why STABLE contains the KDE version shipped with the last openSUSE version + patches that will be distributed officially.
By the time 11.2 will be out, no serious KDE user will still use 4.1, imo. It's just not as usable as the alternatives. Other distributions will have nice 4.2 packages long before openSUSE will officially provide an update. And factory is *NOT* a real alternative.
Which distros offer official packages for KDE 4.2 which are not part of a release? With the frozen repo and the respin, openSUSE users will have a "stable" repo for KDE 4.2. Further, by the time 11.2 ships, openSUSE users will have official KDE 4.3 packages whereas the other distros don't. You cannot have everything and nobody wants KDE 4.2 as part of 11.2.
Yes, this would break the current distribution policy, and yes, maybe that breakage will be no longer needed after 11.2 release. But *currently* I really feel it would be justified.
Unfortunately it's not about feelings, but resources.
The transition phase from KDE3 to KDE4 is painful and it requires new approaches to make users happy: every minor release brings back more of the fun from KDE3 usability.
KDE 4.2.x does not add features, only bugfixes, so there are no "missing" features added to 4.2.3 or .2.4 anyway.
There is a packaging workshop this weekend given by wstephenson. I am trying to attend and I'd be willing to help with the proposed release/upstream repository. Maybe we find enough to be able to do so. If so, everyone of the current openSUSE contributors should welcome that. Instead, all I read here about subjects like that are discouragements.
That's because two things are mixed. One thing is what the community does. If it decides to provide a KDE repo, nobody is going to stop you. The second is what openSUSE developers do and every discussion about that topic is always bound to resources and ends in setting priorities. For the openSUSE developers, the openSUSE releases are the major priority and hence the KDE version shipping with those releases. As a result, everything else is up to the community. Sven -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: