I'll repeat this one more time. OpenOffice/StarOffice isn't a KDE/QT app. So nothing..I repeat nothing KDE does will effect the fonts in this software. You have to make sure X sees the fonts correctly. I have both StarOffice 6.0 and OpenOffice 1.0.1 installed and they both work just fine and cute little Gnomeish icons..but I digress. Yes, Xft is the tt/aa extention for X. While the font server that we use to have to have running was xfstt. This is no longer needed. There is a patch for Gnome 1.x so that it can do AA fonts but why bother. I'm sure the next revision of OO should be GTK2 compliant since the Gnome people are running from GTK1 as fast as KDE people ran from QT 2.3.x :) If the instructions that I provided in my last email didn't work for OO/SO then something else is wrong...but it's not a KDE problem. While CKM may not know KDE and care much for all this kooky X crap. I do and I know it. ;) Cheers! And have fun! -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I tell you what you should see.