On 9/6/21 18:35, Christian Boltz wrote:
Am Montag, 6. September 2021, 13:46:45 CEST schrieb Carlos E. R.:
I have two laptops, one of around 2010 and another from 2018. Both go to almost 100% CPU with just two people in the Jitsi conference; with three people the sound stutters (because power is over 100%) and it becomes impossible for me to follow the conversation - even with camera disabled. I don't know how to disable the video entirely.
Click the "..." ("More settings") menu (in the bottom), then "quality settings", and set it to "low bandwidth".
Does this really have the impact that all video streams sent to you are limited to a lower bandwidth? Which codec is used? While VP9 causes less network traffic it consumes way more CPU than VP8. You can check WebRTC session details with the following URLs: Chromium: chrome://webrtc-internals/ Firefox: about:webrtc
I can confererence using other solutions, like google meet or zoom. It is definitely a Jitsi problem.
Just wondering - which browser do you use? I usually use Chromium for video conferences which works quite well.
This is one of the really weird deficiencies of Jitsi: It only works with Chromium/Chrome.
OTOH, I've seen Firefox (my everyday browser) eating up lots of memory
Which version?
when using it for video conferences. In one case it ate up _all_ memory and I had to do a hard reboot to unblock the laptop. (That also means: keep an eye on the memory usage, not only CPU.)
Hmm, will monitor RAM usage in the future. Because my Tuxedo notebooks locks up frequently.
BTW: My laptop is now > 5 years old. I can estimate how many people are in a conference by listening to the fan ;-)
Same on my laptop. But that's especially bad because fan-control on Tuxedo notebooks really sucks. FWIW I'm maintaining the package for installing Galène videoconference server: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:telephony/galene Ciao, Michael.