Quoting Vincent Untz <vuntz@opensuse.org>:
I want to raise the question of our default photo manager application.
Right now this is f-spot. However, lately, it has been moving slower than usual for various reasons (contributors have a life!), and while f-spot has served us well, it appears that shotwell is really moving fast and people love it.
I'm not really a big user of such an app, so we need some people to play with both to tell us if it's reasonable to switch to shotwell by default for 12.1. If it's not, then it's all fine and we can stay with f-spot.
I for myself switched to shotwell a fair amount of time ago as well and the felt speed is faster, which was for me enough reason to stay with it (but I only have ~ 10k fotos in the library). I would give my own vote to shotwell in this case. Dominique