Feature changed by: Bernhard Wiedemann (bmwiedemann) Feature #305589, revision 9 Title: Checkbox "include user home projects in search" Buildservice: New Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Pavol Rusnak (prusnak) Description: Here's one idea to start with: on the search page, have a checkbox labeled "Include user home projects in search" which defaults to OFF. Then at least you have one level of separation (between "official" and home projects) that is clear to both developers and users. And developers will be motivated to move their generally useful packages into an "official" project by the fact that the default checkbox is OFF. http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2008-12/msg00088.html Discussion: #1: Stephan Binner (beineri) (2009-03-06 07:13:07) It would be also good to hide -debuginfo and -debugsource search results by default. + #2: Bernhard Wiedemann (bmwiedemann) (2010-07-30 09:14:41) + Both checkboxes (home+debug) are now on + http://software.opensuse.org/search so this feature should probably be + marked as done. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305589