Feature added by: Jos Poortvliet (jospoortvliet) Feature #310652, revision 1 Title: Have an Etherpad install on openSUSE infrastructure openFATE: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Jos Poortvliet (jospoortvliet) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Currently the marketing team in particular makes use of lots of piratepad's to work collaboratively on articles, announcements, plans and other things. Wiki's don't offer the ease and real-time collaboration features needed so piratepad is perfect. Except that it isn't. Piratepad has some serious issues (see "Why do we want this?"). So we would like to have an Etherpad install on openSUSE infrastructure. Having our 'own' Etherpad instance on an openSUSE server would solve these issues. Even just having it as a SUSE Studio virtual image so it can be run somewhere would be good enough. In general, the openSUSE servers are pretty dependable and even when not, we know who to ping to solve problems. Use Case: Usecase would be pretty much half the work the marketing team does - writing announcements, articles, planning... Business case (Partner benefit): openSUSE.org: The current 'solution' to use Piratepad has a bunch of issues: Stability is a big one - Piratepad is down quite frequently, sometimes for a whole day, making our work difficult. Another serious issue is oversight. We can't see what pads we have, resulting in lost pads (and the work we put into them) and duplication of efforts. Then there is the lack of control. All piratepads are fully public - but we have sometimes things we'd like to keep under the lid like announcements we are working on, articles, board things etcetera. Etherpad provides access control which would help us immensely. Part of that control issue is the ability (or lack there off) of deleting pads - we can't do that on Piratepad. Finally, we don't OWN Piratepad. If it went away RIGHT NOW, we would loose MANY important articles, announcements and other good work. It would be a small disaster for the marketing team and it's getting potentially worse as we do more and more work on Etherpad. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310652