Feature changed by: Robert Davies (robopensuse) Feature #305624, revision 26 Title: Allow downloading all packages before installing openSUSE-11.2: Evaluation Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Jiri Srain (jsrain) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: Libzypp should allow to set a policy to first download all packages and afterwards install all packages at once. It should be considered whether to enable this policy under some scenarios (e.g. makes sense for online update, but not for distro installation) References: https://bugzilla.novell.com:443/show_bug.cgi?id=448040 Relations: - Suggestion for download failure handling from openSUSE-factory (url: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2009-01/msg00564.html) Discussion: #1: Stanislav Visnovsky (visnov) (2009-01-28 15:56:51) I see this as a pre-requisite for in running-system distribution upgrade reliability. #3: Robert Davies (robopensuse) (2009-01-29 16:56:54) (reply to #1) Could this be better achieved by some general package cache-ing tool that can serve a LAN, providing packages from HDD, DVD or http/ftp download as appropriate? Upgrading by making a local copy of all packages in somewhere like /var/cache is going to explode disk space requirements. If the disk is nearly full, then both throughput and fragmentation worsen. In degenerate case of single PC LAN, the server can be run locally, which might ease the opposite policy of pipelining downloads to accelerate install speeds when most rpm's are available locally, but some need an update downloaded. #4: Rajko Matovic (rajko_m) (2009-01-30 01:41:51) (reply to #3) It could be, but here is the word about download of packages involved in update before attempt to install them. It is just about improvement of current workflow where some packages are already installed when come to download error. This can have unwanted consequences to system, or applications. In some scenarios it can render system unbootable, in other package management will be rendered inoperational. In any case to improve dependability of package management first download, then install is needed feature. + #6: Robert Davies (robopensuse) (2009-01-31 14:07:54) (reply to #4) + I understand, but breaking the problem up, would make the logic + simpler, and be more flexible for other requirements, permit + interleaving of bandwidth & cpu limitted operations in parallel. Even + downloading first, doesnt' guarantee a needed package, will be + installable, unless you check all the signatures etc. Really the + reliable update problem, requires installing a package set as a + transaction, download first just avoids 1 class of errors, but if it's + implemented naively could cause problems for other ppl. #2: Stanislav Visnovsky (visnov) (2009-01-29 13:02:26) A suggestion on openSUSE-factory mailing list was to continue downloading all packages, deferring the errors until all that are donwloadable are indeed on the disk. #5: Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (2009-01-30 15:26:32) Both modes should be supported. Install-as-downloaded (like it does today) for space-contrained systems, and install-after-download for where there is enough space and/or the user enabled it. -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/305624