Feature changed by: Episteme PROMENEUR (promeneur) Feature #308619, revision 5 Title: Provide Kwallet integration for Firefox openSUSE-11.3: Rejected by Karl Cheng (qantas94heavy) reject reason: Not done for 11.3. Priority Requester: Desirable openSUSE Distribution: New Priority Requester: Desirable Requested by: Jimmy Berry (boombatower) Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: I have wanted such a feature for sometime and recently discoved https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/49357 via identi.ca talk. Since openSUSE 11.2 includes KDE integration for Firefox, I think this would be a great thing to either add/finish/polish or just defaultly include as part of integration. Discussion: #1: Todd R (theblackcat) (2010-01-05 18:19:51) There are plans to integrate the KDE wallet with gnome keychain so both use the same backend and thus share passwords. This is a good temporary measure until that is completed but hopefully the integration will take place soon. + #2: Episteme PROMENEUR (promeneur) (2018-02-25 11:26:27) + i made a report about this in year 2014 + https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=858675 in 2014 Guillermo + (the dev) said he stops any development except to be compliant with qt + 5.7. this is now urgent because this addon is not compliant to web + extension features thus not compliant since FF 57 quantum. + happily we use FF esr 52 which is still compliant but it remains 2 + months for FF 52 esr -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/308619