Hi Listmates, To give you a little heads up on the plymouth trial and errors. At this moment I managed to get a smooth transistion from plymouth to KDM/GDM. However this has a little side effect, namely that the graphical session is running on TTY1 and no longer on TTY7. GDM works out-of-the-box with this, but KDM would require a small patch. The main question however would be if it would be acceptable to have the change that the graphical session is running on TTY1. Fedora also made this change when they implemented Plymouth, but I am wondering what your opinion is. Another community member (tigerfoot) did a test and found another issue when using encrypted disks. We are trying to sort this one out before preparing an initial package which could be submitted to Factory. Regards Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org