On Monday 23 of November 2015 12:22:59 Sergey Kondakov wrote:
On 20.11.2015 02:03, Martin Pluskal wrote:
I guess that you failed to understand that Tomáš Čech agrees with you
on technical level, yet he disagrees with ad hominem's and accusations you are making.
I guess you've failed to notice that I have no problem with him. And that I was referring to Lars Müller's words, not Tomáš'es.
Furthermore to speak openly, fact that you looked up post by Tomas, on unrelated topic and mention it several time as some sort of example of behavior which offends you makes you look like a very vindictive person, eager to personally attack someone who dares to disagree with you.
So, a guy gets threatened with forced silencing in FOSS community on account of repeated misbehaviour or, as Lars Müller put it, "unwillingness to progress" and I'm the "very vindictive person" ? The only thing I did is looked for November's opensuse-factory mail archive to make sure that someone else didn't already started the discussion about "TW" repo madness. And just that little glance showed multiple accounts of SUSE employees acting in such anti-Comminuty manner.
Furthermore, would it kill you to break lines at 78 or 80 characters as most people in this ml do?
I wasn't made aware of the unwritten rules of writing to you. Will it kill you not to be an asshole form the start about it ? What unwritten rule - I am just asking you to break lines, also "form the start" implies that there was something more than one, just one sentence.
Furthermore, you seem to be offended by my request, you so far seem to be offended by allmost every reply you get here.
But I guess, everyone here is a badass that uses console mail client without reflow support, huh. Sure and we are all looking down on you (even though I am writing this from kmail, I feel very badass about it).
Martin Pluskal Proud member of self-important single-minded group
And it's evident that you, people, do take excessive pride in your work. Of course
Martin Pluskal Proud asshole