On 23.11.2015 15:20, Martin Pluskal wrote:
On Monday 23 of November 2015 15:01:19 Sergey Kondakov wrote:
On 23.11.2015 14:11, Martin Pluskal wrote:
What unwritten rule - I am just asking you to break lines, also "form the start" implies that there was something more than one, just one sentence.
No, "asking" starts from "the magic word" and that word isn't "kill". No, it does not.
Yes, it does. Well, at least in my country they teach that in a kindergarden.
And no, it actually implies the opposite, that you started using passive-aggressive language right from that one, first sentence. Asking someone if it would kill them to do something is pretty far from being passive agressive, it might be blunt but it is actually pretty direct
No, it implies that the "asked" party is unreasonably stubborn which can be determined only after getting some kind of answer which you didn't because you've started with that phrase. And even then, you're still implying that someone owes you something unless doing it is fatal for them. Wrapping text isn't going to kill anyone but it's not for you to demand in such a way. In fact, anything isn't for you to demand in such a way from a stranger.
Usage of which in your own ad hominem attack (which your labelling of my personality is) is a hypocrisy. You seem to fail to understand what "ad hominem" is as well as you fail to understand what "passive agressive means - see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive-aggressive_behavior https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
Critisising someones behavior or even labeling someone is not ad hominem.
It is, you are literally attacking personality instead of discussing issue at hand.
Furthermore, you seem to be offended by my request, you so far seem to be offended by allmost every reply you get here.
That is your speculation
Now you are literally talking to yourself...
Well, not everyone is a proud asshole. World would be much nicer if everybody was.
No, it won't. It would literally be the end of the human civilization.
And I'm mostly offended by repository discrimination and the idea of censorship in FOSS. But what is my mind state to you ? You mention discrimination, which is in case of repositories and home/devel project intentional, as was already explained to you several times. If you don't like it, feel free to run your own buildservice/create your own distribution ...
I've noticed that fighting against your users widening the scope of usage for you project is intentional. It's also quite insane for a FOSS project. Why the hell would you make public access to your OBS if you don't want people to benefit from it ? And what's more important, help each other out.
Ad this so called censorship, user which violated several guiding principles of openSUSE, and contiuned in his behavior got banned after failing to comply with request/warning issued by board - which is something that will happen to you in most FOSS communities.
"The board" ? In my >10 years in FOSS I have never stumbled on any "boards" in any communities. And not even most violently pissed off project leaders would allow themselves such a thing as censorship.
Sure and we are all looking down on you (even though I am writing this from kmail, I feel very badass about it).
If by "everyone" you mean the only guy who impolitely demanded wrapped lines, yes, it seems you are.
Wait I minute, so you are offended by me being impolite towards you? Your so far grossly impolite mails are ok, but when you are subject of impoliteness its suddenly not ok?
No, my impoliteness is not okay, But you trying out sarcastically imply that your behaviour is proper and mine not while at the same time being impolite is also a hypocrisy. Prideful assholes who defend censorship are its exemplary abusers, they are one of the reasons it should not exist in the first place.
Actually, I was thinking about setting my emails and text editors to 80 character wraps but am unsure about it because in times of GUI, reflow email feature & dynamic wrap text editor feature and wide screens this is some retrograde bullshit. So I only do it then it's required. Is it an official mailing list rule or your personal claim ?
Of course it is just my personal claim :) See: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Mailing_list_netiquette
Martin Pluskal
Even prouder asshole
It seems so, since I can't find mentions of sender-side text wraps but I did find this piece: "Personal attacks or threats of any kind are unacceptable on any openSUSE mail list". So, what's with all the character trait evaluation bullshit ? In-corporate behaviour is more questionable because workers make decisions for whole openSUSE Community, they have more power which means more responsibility. You can't try to use my supposed personal faults as defence against my "self-important single-minded group", common mentality argument which you appear to take personaly.