On Sun, Sep 19 2021 at 11:02:03 AM -0400, Chuck Payne <terrorpup@gmail.com> wrote:
What would it take to get FreeIPA supported again? I work with a lot RHEL boxes and a few Debian boxes. IPA great, because I can tie into a AD Domain and use the same accounts account all box.
Yes, I could pay for Beyond Trust or Centrify. I could use Winbind. So far SSSD seems to work the best.
This is a wrong mailing list, so I will move this to factory It's kind of being worked on, and the goal is to have it working for Leap 16 if that ever comes. There is now SUSE platform in FreeIPA, which I wrote, and the blockers in the way of actually having all of the dependencies, updating the existing ones (which I hate doing, because it's a whole lot of java), and doing some lower level changes in the distro like switching to authselect. You can actually help out with some things! One thing I have not had the time to do was updating resteasy, since the version we have in the repository is not exactly recent. I don't know what the status is on switching to authselect, but last I looked it required some pam changes, so that may be something to pick up. It is looking good though overall, the support is closer than it has ever been in some respects :P LCP [Sasi] https://lcp.world/