Any discussion about how to move forward with the Mesa situation? Now that 24.2.1 is out even. I know there was a bug, but the new release also has a long list of fixed issues. Den ons 4 sep. 2024 kl 14:13 skrev Lubos Kocman via openSUSE Factory <>:
How to join the meeting?
All meeting minutes can be found here:
## Attendees: DimStar, GuillaumeG, Adamm, Sarah, Richard, max, ddemaio, dirk, bmwiedemann
NOTICE! the meeting url is
## Leap
Leap 16.0 agama installation in openQA with custom urls is finally working and
Initial merge of KDE into Leap 16.0 (~800 submissions). Build still in progress on s390x. KDE addition addition into Leap 16.0 / agama
Branding related Initialwork on ultrawide wallpaper for Tumbleweed Experiments with geo-based wallpapers for 16.0 I'm bit unhappy about current packaging of wallpapers
I shall start working on Leap Micro 6.1 Beta
## openSUSE Tumbleweed (DimStar)
openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 134 failed 23 unresolvable (last week 15 failed, 9 unresolvable) (big increase due to more things trying to rebuild with gcc14; shows the resutls when we'd use rebuild=transitive, i.e 559 failed packages)
424 requests accepted in the last week
Most relevant changes:
Switch to GCC14 as default compiler in 20240827 (emacs was locked on GCC13 as it fails test suite with gcc13)
Kernel 6.10.7
Other updates:
NetworkManager 1.48.10
openSSH 9.8p1
python numpy2 - by far not everything is ready for that, so numpy 1.x will be re-introduced
perl-Bootloader to be renamed to update-bootloader, openQA tests needs updating
python-Sphinx 8.0.2: causes a few breakages, Staging:L
Boost 1.86: LibreOffice fails to build
go 1.23 as new distro default: ignition fails to build (
### longer-lasting topics
Switch default LSM from AppArmor to SELinux, see
## Richard (Aeon+botmaster) Recovering after weeks of serious illness. Catching up with everything that happened in the past weeks. Not aware of any burning issues with Aeon. Looking forward to picking up Aeon/tik and pushng them towards release.. Reading up on some discussions regarding tuning up the deploment of opensuse-release-tools to botmaster
Q, Toying with the idea of volunteering Aeon as an exemplar/pathfinder for git workflow, does that sound feasible? lkocman: We do already have git for Leap:16.0:Images, but the main image agama-installer-Leap is currently built in openSUSE:Leap:16.0
## Max
Leap 16.0 * Merged kde packages to Leap 16.0, some kapps are pending in staging still, the requirement for patterns-kde is fulfilled at least. Max mentioned that we finally broke the 1000 packages count in 16.0 :-) * Disabled devel_web pattern for the time being until we know the desicision about virtualization package * Working on check_source make it to made submission on hold if the target package exist in SLFO * A script has uploaded SLFO packagelist to in case you want to adjust your tooling against SLFO packagelist and don't want to checkout gittree every time lkocman: agama - KDE was added as an option for Leap 16.0 lkocman: Dimstar mentioned that perhaps we want to make a storage HW request for 16.0, as we'll build more trees and images than in 15.3+ (where we started to use adi stagings only). Adrian: the entire model of stagings might change, there is multiple possibilities. It's also the data transfer aside from pure storage. Max: Same situation with staging will happen soon on Tumbleweed.
## Guillaume - Arm
Tumbleweed: * Rolling * Submitted fixes for some build failures related to GCC14 (starting with packages from ring1) * User complained about missing web browsers for armv7 -
Leap 15.5: * RPi3 boot problem related to a kernel update
Leap 15.6: * No blocker
## Sarah - s390x * Tumbleweed rolling * s390-tools are updated
Topic openSUSE on Hercules * hercules package not compatible with openSUSE Tumbleweed (x86) any more -> new project on Github -> submitted Hints about special instructions in Hercules:
Kernel problem with Leap/Tumbleweed on new Hercules emulator (zram kernel trace): -> takeover by SUSE (Marcela)
AI packages by IBM installable with anaconda Python Installer (conda install): RedBook AI for Linux on Z published: ( )
User feedback about reasons for switching from Leap to Tumbleweed (because of Upgrade problems): Leap 16.0 will very likely have similar maintenance workflow as Leap Micro 6.1, which does not utilize :Update project. Perhaps some of these issues would simply go away by design. lkocman: the mentioned upgrade issues were a past issue which was already resolved. We've clarified it over email.
## Doug
* openSUSE.Asia Summit
* A couple talks cancelled by prospective speakers
* 16 of 28 accepted so far
* Akademy begins this weekend * FOSDEM
* No call for booth yet
* Dates are likely to be 01.02 & 02.02
* Provided small article about slowroll snapshots * Establishing roadmap for * GSoC
* 10 or 11 finals complete
* 1 final extention due on Sept. 30
lkocman: LinuxDays 2024 (11-12 Oct) followed by Packaging workshop in Prague. We have I believe ~5 talks from SUSE employees.
## Dirk
No update
## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling, Nathan Cutler
Package HUB for SLES 16 talk on next Wednesday (after this call). A high level discussion about what should we make available in Package HUB module and what not.
## Maintenance team (Marcus, Robert)
* Sarah mentioned 20 downgrades of packages during distribution upgrade. Details in lkocman: will open a bug report and will get list of packages from the ML above.
need more maintainers for future chromium updates after Andreas Stieger stepped down.
## Adrian - OBS
Heads up: planning regarding offline installer for Agama.
## Bernhard - Slowroll
had trouble from incompatible dbus-1 update => reverted preparing next version bump to 20240901 - planned in a week
## Bernhard - reproducible builds
I plan to attend the r-b summit in Hamburg 2024-09-17
want to see merged => needs change to create adiN:rb subproject to not block progress of submissions with slow builds (e.g. chromium 18h+) or failing timebombs (e.g. python-gpstime)
## Adam - Git Workflow
{wip} migrating project workflow to RabbitMQ + polling (in case events lost)
TODO: migrate NodeJS devel project after above is done
## Open Floor lkocman: Sebastian Riedel raised a problem with ownership of (OSRT). We got the change it, but nobody seem to be officially owning the tool. Maybe move it into SUSE org.