Quoting Ulrich Windl <ulrich.windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de>: [snip]
seems like you should be able to do this, but I had to re-install Windows XP four times and fix filesystem corruption on Linux from the rescue disk twice in a 1-2 month period while switch OS during hibernate/suspend to disk. The problem has not happened once in the
You were not sharing the Windows swap file with Linux, were you? ;-)
No. Linux has its own swap partition.
6+ months since I starting always doing full shutdowns before switching OS.
I'd be surprised if Windows/XP would swap outside its partitions (just as I'd be surprised if Linux did). After all, it wouldn't explain why a boot after power on or after hardware reset always succeeds.
This sounds similar, but not identical to my problem. It appears one or both OSs are saving or assuming some hardware state persists across hard and/or soft boots. Or the opposite, assuming a hard/soft boot resets some hardware state that it doesn't. It doesn't surprise me with Windows, Microsoft frequently acts as if there were no one else in the world but them, but they are improving. Linux, in my experience, plays better with others. But the evidence to the contrary is sufficiently convincing to me to not switch OS while suspended to disk. Jeffrey