On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 07:29:04AM -0400, tomhorsley@adelphia.net wrote:
I think some mail I sent with this slipped through the cracks the other day, so I'm trying again. Here's my brand new idea for how to get DVD images with none of the ever increasing problems with signatures on files:
SUSE doesn't want to distribute both DVD and CD iso images due to the impact on mirrors and network traffic, but what about this plan:
Create the DVD with the same packages as the 5 CDs, organize the media as it is supposed to be organized, sign all the files correctly, etc.
Then, remove all the actual .rpm files from the tree, and make an iso of just the DVD infrastructure that is left over. This will be a relatively small file that could easily be distributed with the CDs.
Now, folks who want a DVD need only download the infrastructure iso, and the CD images, copying the .rpm files off the CDs back into the DVD tree, then they can make a new iso with the properly signed files from the DVD infrastructure image and the .rpm files recovered from the CD images.
This should be a much simpler script to write than the current makeSUSEdvd and will actually have officially correct signatures on all the files to make all the installers happy.
So how bout it? Can we get it in time for 10.2 testing? :-).
Interesting. However if you look at the possibilaties of makeSUSEdvd I think it will partly fail. 1) makeSUSEdvd can use any amount of CD's. From 1 to 6 2) makeSUSEdvd can add rpm's that you have made yourself. makeSUSEdvd is used by several people to include their own software to distribute in several places. It has become more then just a way to make the 5 CD's into 1 DVD. So some part of signing will still need to be included. e.g. I have my own 10.0 DVD that includes MPlayer, all codecs, makeSUSEdvd and several other RPM's. I also asume once I have figured out how to get the signing working, it will be pretty trivial to use and I can start working on a better user interface. :-) houghi -- Nutze die Zeit. Sie ist das Kostbarste, was wir haben, denn es ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk und Arbeit, und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun - Johannes Müller-Elmau