1 Mar
1 Mar
Am 28.02.2018 um 12:05 schrieb Liam Proven:
Because it isn't. I didn't know, and I have been working with SUSE and SUSE products since it was SuSE in 1996 or so.
Any you never noticed the founding of openSUSE? And it never occured to you, that "openSUSE C.d" may be a successor of "SUSE Professional A.b", but it is not a SUSE (company) product any more, but an openSUSE (community) "product"? Wow. I didn't think this could happen. But I never thought that people might deduct "this is the same company" just by two websites using the same animal in the website logo. Hell, how big must this penguin company be, and what might be its real name? Werner --