On 03/08/18 21:58, simonizor wrote:
On Friday, August 3, 2018 7:15:14 AM CDT, Per Jessen wrote:
simonizor wrote:
These messages look pretty mixed up to me: https://image.ibb.co/kLcrmK/yadshot08_02_18_211858.png
Ignoring the lack of indentation after follow-up level3, I think they're correctly listed.
If that's properly listed, then this is just straight up silly. I can't even click next and go to the *actual* next reply. It takes me to some reply I've already seen 5 times.
You guys seem to forget that ***ALL*** Tumbleweed users should be following this list. That becomes a problem when it's not at all intuitive to use for people who are not used to mailing lists... which is (believe it or not) the vast majority of younger people. You guys are basically turning openSUSE into an old boy's club by having ancient tech running something that ***every*** Tumbleweed user should be following.
To me it seems like we are trying to squeeze 2 completely different things into one list which is possibly causing much of the tension here. 1. We need a place for openSUSE developers to discuss openSUSE development - A mailing list still seems like the best solution for this to me. Even though the UI for our lists could be improved. 2. A place for tumbleweed users to follow to get updates about <foo is broken don't update>, maybe there is a better medium for these announcements, Dimstar generally posts weekly updates for tumbleweed to news.o.o and for most weeks this is probably all most tumbleweed users need most weeks unless something goes exceptionally wrong. The "Tumbleweed users should all subscribe to this list" comes from an older period when tumbleweed was still factory and was mostly just the development branch of openSUSE, at that time pretty much anyone crazy enough to run factory on anything close to production was an openSUSE developer anyway and there was a natural overlap that has probably got smaller over time. Especially given the changes that we have made to the scope of this list in the past months i'm now at the point of questioning whether its worth us suggesting that all tumbleweed users should post to this list given that bugs and issues are not generally being posted here anyway. The one remaining thing going to this list of relevance that can't be found somewhere else is the bot posting the list of packages updated (which only covers DVD packages anyway). So replacing mailing lists for everything is probably not the solution, but maybe someone can come up with a better way of providing info about "Is tumbleweed broken" so general users don't need to follow this list. -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B