21 May
21 May
El vie, 21 may 2021 a las 5:40, Michael Hamilton (<michael@actrix.gen.nz>) escribió:
The spyder python IDE fails to start because it requires a version of python38-watchdog <2.0.0,>=0.10.3.
TW 20210519 jumped python-38-watchdog from 1.0.2 to 2.1.1.
I've raised a bug: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1186327
Can't the problem be solved by symlinks with the required library names? (pointing to the real name of version 2.1.1) Cheers, Juan -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MAS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: http://www.opensuse.org/es/ Puedes visitar mi blog en: http://jerbes.blogspot.com.ar/