et al: So, if the TW user IS root from the installation time back in '13 . . . there will be no problem using sudo?? Sudo will not be broke down left wheezing by the side of the information highway???? F
So, the "take home message" for the end user of TW with no programming skilz is, best way to upgrade TW is to use "su" to run the commands??? Running "sudo" will result in system damage??
TW is starting to behave more Sid-like than my Sid system ever has . . . couple weeks back a TW upgrade did something to wipe out my grub menu, had to install a Leap 15.4 (now 15.5) to get it back, and . . . now TW has figured out how to break sudo and leave it for dead . . . .
Any ETA for sudo's zombie revival . . . old habits die hard, everybody else insists on sudo . . . .