On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 01:00:21 +1100 Aleksa Sarai <asarai@suse.de> wrote:
The reason I believe this isn't explicitly spelled out anywhere is mostly the history of the project and how much it has evolved. openSUSE started as a Novell project, and the original plan for the project changed significantly over time to reach where we are today (and it is still evolving with the introduction of things like the Factory-First policy and so on). It's not written down because things have been changing so much that if anything had been written down, it would be misleading today -- the project has changed so much since its origins, both in scope and spirit.
Well, unfortunately, that's the nature of publishing stuff about current products, projects, companies etc. online. You need to update it periodically. Gotta be done.
However, I do think that we should have a living document for folks who are not aware of the dynamics between SUSE and openSUSE (this would be especially important for new SUSE employees to read)
to learn what the current dynamic is between the two entities. Because it is very important to make clear that we are all on equal footing as part of the same community, irrespective of who pays your salary.
I'm trying to get some discussion going about what should be on it, and I'm getting scolded for wasting bandwidth or being in the wrong place. So what is the _right_ place? -- Liam Proven - Technical Writer, SUSE Linux s.r.o. Corso II, Křižíkova 148/34, 186-00 Praha 8 - Karlín, Czechia Email: lproven@suse.com - Office telephone: +420 284 241 084