понеділок, 28 травня 2018 р. 14:51:42 EEST Simon Lees написано:
This brings us to the next issue, posting bugs / bug reports on mailing lists rather then bugzilla. This is a practice we would like to see stopped and we will be gently reminding people if they continue posting bugs on mailinglists, this especially includes if a package / application breaks when updating tumbleweed / leap (including beta's).
Hi, Slightly related question, what is the best place for minor bug like ask to trigger rebuild of some package (e.g. mysql-workbench) which is currently broken due to dependency update (gdal). Fill bugzilla.opensuse.org bug? Use some `osc` command (or build.opensuse.org UI)? I've used osc for code changing requests, but I'm not aware how to just ask for rebuild without any actual changes. -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський