On 20/02/18 20:08, Ludwig Nussel wrote:
Stefan Seyfried wrote:
On 20.02.2018 00:32, Simon Lees wrote:
The problem is if we are treating all desktops equally (well equally within 2 tiers) which we are trying to why should LXDE go on the dvd over LXQt? why should xfce go in over Cinnamon, Mate or enlightenment?
This is a valid argument, however, let's look at the technical aspects.
LXDE: 20MB on the DVD (hard to count since its recommends from the patterns are not named in a consistent way for easy grepping) XFCE: 30MB on the DVD MATE: around 120MB on the dvd (already not counting ubuntu-matte-*) Cinnamon: hard to tell because there is not even a pattern, but it looks like it's about the same size as XFCE or LXDE LXQT: about 15MB Enlightenment: you can tell this better than my rough guess would be able to
Note that all but MATE use some XFCE tools to do stuff, so XFCE is even cheaper if we decide to include the others ;-)
Ok, interesting math. At the same time that defeats the argument of the slow internet connection somehow, doesn't it? Rather cheap to pull those alternatives from the online repos since all the shared components are already on the DVD. So again the question remains, who exactly are we targeting with the DVD? If "people with slow internet connection" why of all the options would they care about desktop environments? Chromium for example is bigger than most of the desktops you listed. Having it initially may reduce download size for online updates as deltas would be based on the original package.
cu Ludwig
There are many issues at play here, As someone with a less then perfect internet connection and who's had really bad ones in the past, for me the DVD is great if I know i'm going to be setting up multiple machines, its much quicker knowing your getting atleast most of what you need installed up front, then once the machine is running and usable you can leave it over night to get anything else. Its also useful when your laptop doesn't have wifi drivers and you don't want to do the whole install connected to an ethernet cable. As for why have the desktops on there even if there small? Its all about user experience KDE users would be pretty annoyed if they had to install icewm an environment they are unfamiliar with then figure out how to use it to get to yast in order to install the desktop they want. I've had to do this in the past and its really annoying which is why I pushed for a better alternative which atleast for the net install we have. Having the desktop you want to use available at install time is what users expect I have heard several users say they are going to go use a different distro just because we didn't have an install medium with there desktop of choice on the DVD. (Its confusing enough for some users that we don't have an image for each desktop). Cheers -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B