Dear hackers and users, this is a courtesy message to let you know that the following packages will receive delete requests shortly, as they failed to build for > 3 months without any feedback from the maintainers. If there is a package in the list which you feel strongly for, please speak up && (find a maintainer || take maintainership) The packages will now enter the removal process. Of course, the package can be re-added at any time in the future if the problems associated to it are being settled. The packages in question are: (all in openSUSE:Factory) * python-veusz * idutils + global (depends on idutilS) * openlmi-providers + openlmi-networking * pam_passwdqc * lbzip2 * dc3dd * crosstool-ng * python3-efl + econnman + epymc + lekha * perf * hedgewars The ones marked as + FOO are packages depending on the one it's listed under. They would possibly not fail on their own) Cheers Dominique