Has anyone managed to get Ximian working from download? I have tried on 2 machines at home with 9.0 and both times it downloads fine and installs to about 99.9999% and then crashes out saying that x file is not compatable.Also, at school my colleague has tried to install it on a test machine and with the proxy it downloads about 60% and then says "IO - Soup error". I assume this is security related but I'm not sure on more than that. That machine will not do online updates as in the error log it says that there is no public key for gnpgp. Is that related to Soup?
Well guessing your refering to Ximian desktop rather than evolution, then yes I played with it over christmas on suse 9. Its a very nice,very polished version of Gnome 2.2, with lots of little fixes rather than anything hugely different. However unless your converting a group of mac users to linux or require corporate levels of support for windowmanagers I'd just install Gnome 2.4, IIRC ximian wont be upgraded until gnome goes to 2.6. As for the errors your getting, I cant be sure but wget can get a little troublesome with proxies, what are your settings in wgetrc? Regards, Ben
participants (1)
Ben Higginbottom