On Wed 14 Mar, Malcolm Herbert wrote:
hi all
my current thinking regards developing Linux / open source in education is i suppose reflecting my move to Red Hat, and considering how any future work in the area can be seen to be sustainable, and primarily eat in the existing M$ schools and LEAs. (ie the other 97% of schools)
In my opinion no single organisation has done more damage to _education_ in ICT than Microsoft.
Though the attitudes of supposedly impartial bodies, such as BECtA and LEA advisors certainly dosn't appear to have helped.
Would there be anything to be gained in becoming an umbrella for all anti-M$ interests, ie including those who are primarily Apple and RiscOS sites? (especially those with Linux servers).
Except that you need to phrase things in a way which are not seen as "Microsoft Bashing". Which certain people are very sensitive to. More express how XYZ platform can do a good job of being helpful to the process of education. -- Mark Evans St. Peter's CofE High School Phone: +44 1392 204764 X109 Fax: +44 1392 204763