Not only are they built for Windows, but some of them also require MSIE...
I couldn't even get "the Heart" to work even though I have the shockwave plugin for Mozilla installed.
The Heart tool which we gave away a shockwave version of during Science Year did work in Mozilla (it's all I ever use), but it was _very_ large, making usage for a lot of people quite difficult. Not only from a bandwidth point of view, but also a machine spec point of view. But let's not forget that the original tool took 4 months to develop and we gave it away! Whether it was tested properly (or at all) with Unix/X11/CrossOver is another question. Clearly, we have always focused on windows as the vast majority of people are using it. We have had less than 5 enquiries regarding Linux since I started working here in 1999 :( This is hopefully set to change, and so supporting Linux is something that I am pushing for all of the time. Please keep in mind though that these things cannot happen overnight. I have a degree of influence over what New Media is trying to achieve, but we are a large company.. If evidence can be generated regarding the amount of interest that commercial software for Linux may receive (or even part open, part closed), then the picture becomes very different. Currently, any time that I spend on Open Source tools is my own.. So I hope that you guys can be patient with me :) Just because New Media has only historically been involved with Windows, doesn't mean that this always needs to be the case.. -- James Hurst