We are using Squid/2.3.STABLE4-hno.CVS on SuSE 7.2 pro KDE2 desktop, with RM as our upstream proxy. This works very well. but... We want to do the following 1) upgrade Squid AND use MAC addresses. We've downloaded the latest stable release and followed all the instructions ( ./configure --enable-arp-acl etc.) all (appears) to work fine but arp does not work and Squid reports that is still 2.3 ! If it's an easier option, is it possible to configure the release that came with SuSE to work with MAC addresses? - If so, how? 2) We also want to move our Proxy server to a remote location and decided that VNC would be good for administration. We got the dreaded grey screen (certain that is has worked without problems in earlier versions of SuSE) anyway we have poured over the net and have finally managed to open a session but nothing runs without crashing. We have also tried downloading RPMs of VNC and like squid they do not appear to install. We've spent ages looking at the net regarding both of these problems but without joy. James, my technician is almost in tears and has decided to install LINUX over his beloved WIN2000 server at home so that he can get to the bottom of this! I'm sure that we're missing an obvious step or two, any ideas as to which obvious box we haven't ticked? Thanks Adrian Wells