On Monday 11 July 2011 11:55:41 Klaas Freitag wrote:
Am Sonntag 10 Juli 2011, 04:09:39 schrieb Izabel Valverde:
Please all, review the attached announcement. The exact process I don't have clear yet. Should we set up a mail address and let people send requests there? Or could indico help with this?
If we can easily set indico for it would be great otherwise we could make a "osc_sponsorship_committee@opensuse.org" or something like this. By email its not so easy to analyse but after have all applications we can decide by irc the "5" together.
Indico could, but I think it makes more sense to do that on the list for two reasons: 1. if the fields are in Indico, people might click "I need support" by default. If they have to compose an email, its still a low barrier but not sooo "oh, why shouldn't I try..." 2. Asking for sponsoring requires quite some data and people start to line up alternatives etc etc. In Indico that would require a comparable large amount of space and wouldn't be as flexible as mail.
So I recommend (closed) mailinglist.
Agreed. Henne, could you create a closed (but open for external mails) travel_support@opensuse.org ML and subscribe who volunteered up to now: Izabel, yourself, me. Who else wants to help? Bruno? Just add him :D