Hello community,
here is the log from the commit of package python-scipy for openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2015-08-01 11:37:57
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-scipy (Old)
and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-scipy.new (New)
Package is "python-scipy"
--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-scipy/python-scipy.changes 2015-03-03 11:16:16.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-scipy.new/python-scipy.changes 2015-08-01 11:37:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,132 @@
+Mon Jul 27 15:24:02 UTC 2015 - toddrme2178(a)gmail.com
+- Remove Cython subpackage. The sources are not as cleanly
+ separated as the changelog implied.
+Mon Jul 27 09:26:20 UTC 2015 - toddrme2178(a)gmail.com
+- Update to 0.16.0
+ * Highlights of this release include:
+ - A Cython API for BLAS/LAPACK in scipy.linalg
+ - A new benchmark suite. It's now straightforward to add new benchmarks,
+ and they're routinely included with performance enhancement PRs.
+ - Support for the second order sections (SOS) format in scipy.signal.
+ * New features
+ - Benchmark suite
+ + The benchmark suite has switched to using Airspeed Velocity
+ for benchmarking.
+ - scipy.linalg improvements
+ + A full set of Cython wrappers for BLAS and LAPACK has been added in
+ the modules scipy.linalg.cython_blas and scipy.linalg.cython_lapack.
+ In Cython, these wrappers can now be cimported from their
+ corresponding modules and used without linking directly against BLAS
+ or LAPACK.
+ + The functions scipy.linalg.qr_delete, scipy.linalg.qr_insert and
+ scipy.linalg.qr_update for updating QR decompositions were added.
+ + The function scipy.linalg.solve_circulant solves a linear system with
+ a circulant coefficient matrix.
+ + The function scipy.linalg.invpascal computes the inverse of a Pascal matrix.
+ + The function scipy.linalg.solve_toeplitz, a Levinson-Durbin Toeplitz solver,
+ was added.
+ + Added wrapper for potentially useful LAPACK function *lasd4. It computes
+ the square root of the i-th updated eigenvalue of a positive symmetric rank-one
+ modification to a positive diagonal matrix. See its LAPACK documentation and
+ unit tests for it to get more info.
+ + Added two extra wrappers for LAPACK least-square solvers. Namely, they are
+ *gelsd and *gelsy.
+ + Wrappers for the LAPACK *lange functions, which calculate various matrix
+ norms, were added.
+ + Wrappers for *gtsv and *ptsv, which solve A*X = B for tri-diagonal
+ matrix A, were added.
+ - scipy.signal improvements
+ + Support for second order sections (SOS) as a format for IIR filters
+ was added. The new functions are:
+ * scipy.signal.sosfilt
+ * scipy.signal.sosfilt_zi,
+ * scipy.signal.sos2tf
+ * scipy.signal.sos2zpk
+ * scipy.signal.tf2sos
+ * scipy.signal.zpk2sos.
+ + Additionally, the filter design functions iirdesign, iirfilter, butter,
+ cheby1, cheby2, ellip, and bessel can return the filter in the SOS
+ format.
+ + The function scipy.signal.place_poles, which provides two methods to place
+ poles for linear systems, was added.
+ + The option to use Gustafsson's method for choosing the initial conditions
+ of the forward and backward passes was added to scipy.signal.filtfilt.
+ + New classes TransferFunction, StateSpace and ZerosPolesGain were
+ added. These classes are now returned when instantiating scipy.signal.lti.
+ Conversion between those classes can be done explicitly now.
+ + An exponential (Poisson) window was added as scipy.signal.exponential, and a
+ Tukey window was added as scipy.signal.tukey.
+ + The function for computing digital filter group delay was added as
+ scipy.signal.group_delay.
+ + The functionality for spectral analysis and spectral density estimation has
+ been significantly improved: scipy.signal.welch became ~8x faster and the
+ functions scipy.signal.spectrogram, scipy.signal.coherence and
+ scipy.signal.csd (cross-spectral density) were added.
+ + scipy.signal.lsim was rewritten - all known issues are fixed, so this
+ function can now be used instead of lsim2; lsim is orders of magnitude
+ faster than lsim2 in most cases.
+ - scipy.sparse improvements
+ + The function scipy.sparse.norm, which computes sparse matrix norms, was
+ added.
+ + The function scipy.sparse.random, which allows to draw random variates from
+ an arbitrary distribution, was added.
+ - scipy.spatial improvements
+ + scipy.spatial.cKDTree has seen a major rewrite, which improved the
+ performance of the query method significantly, added support for parallel
+ queries, pickling, and options that affect the tree layout. See pull request
+ 4374 for more details.
+ + The function scipy.spatial.procrustes for Procrustes analysis (statistical
+ shape analysis) was added.
+ - scipy.stats improvements
+ + The Wishart distribution and its inverse have been added, as
+ scipy.stats.wishart and scipy.stats.invwishart.
+ + The Exponentially Modified Normal distribution has been
+ added as scipy.stats.exponnorm.
+ + The Generalized Normal distribution has been added as scipy.stats.gennorm.
+ + All distributions now contain a random_state property and allow specifying a
+ specific numpy.random.RandomState random number generator when generating
+ random variates.
+ + Many statistical tests and other scipy.stats functions that have multiple
+ return values now return namedtuples. See pull request 4709 for details.
+ - scipy.optimize improvements
+ + A new derivative-free method DF-SANE has been added to the nonlinear equation
+ system solving function scipy.optimize.root.
+ * Deprecated features
+ - scipy.stats.pdf_fromgamma is deprecated. This function was undocumented,
+ untested and rarely used. Statsmodels provides equivalent functionality
+ with statsmodels.distributions.ExpandedNormal.
+ - scipy.stats.fastsort is deprecated. This function is unnecessary,
+ numpy.argsort can be used instead.
+ - scipy.stats.signaltonoise and scipy.stats.mstats.signaltonoise are
+ deprecated. These functions did not belong in scipy.stats and are rarely
+ used. See issue #609 for details.
+ - scipy.stats.histogram2 is deprecated. This function is unnecessary,
+ numpy.histogram2d can be used instead.
+ * Backwards incompatible changes
+ - The deprecated global optimizer scipy.optimize.anneal was removed.
+ - The following deprecated modules have been removed. They had been deprecated
+ since Scipy 0.12.0, the functionality should be accessed as scipy.linalg.blas
+ and scipy.linalg.lapack.
+ + scipy.lib.blas
+ + scipy.lib.lapack
+ + scipy.linalg.cblas
+ + scipy.linalg.fblas
+ + scipy.linalg.clapack
+ + scipy.linalg.flapack.
+ - The deprecated function scipy.special.all_mat has been removed.
+ - These deprecated functions have been removed from scipy.stats:
+ + scipy.stats.fprob
+ + scipy.stats.ksprob
+ + scipy.stats.zprob
+ + scipy.stats.randwcdf
+ + scipy.stats.randwppf
+ * Other changes
+ - The version numbering for development builds has been updated to comply with PEP 440.
+ - Building with python setup.py develop is now supported.
+- Move Cython imports to another package
Other differences:
++++++ python-scipy.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.qUKW9Q/_old 2015-08-01 11:38:01.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.qUKW9Q/_new 2015-08-01 11:38:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%define with_atlas 0
Name: python-scipy
-Version: 0.15.1
+Version: 0.16.0
Release: 0
Summary: Scientific Tools for Python
License: BSD-3-Clause
++++++ scipy-0.15.1.tar.gz -> scipy-0.16.0.tar.gz ++++++
/work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-scipy/scipy-0.15.1.tar.gz /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-scipy.new/scipy-0.16.0.tar.gz differ: char 5, line 1