[opensuse-buildservice] boot strap a private obs 2.1 instance
Hello, I have just installed a private instance of OBS 2.1 (via an appliance) and now that I have copied all the requires source rpm in my base project (MeeGo 1.0) and I try to boot strap it. I use a bootstap process that I defined with the help of Rolla that I have documented in the OBS wiki at : http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_private_instance_boot_strappin... Unfortunatly that process does not work anymore. With the old OBS (1.8) once you have transfered all the rpm source for your base project, obs would start to build but would just never converge. That was fixed by copying all the file from the :full directory of your working OBS in the :full directory of the target OBS and restarting the scheduler. The error that I have with 2.1 is very different. Each packages complains about extension missing critical packages, which are actually provided by packages present in the boot strap base project. I have no idea how to debug why the system complains about lacking packages which are present. I wonder building against a remote instance could fix that issue but I do not find any documentation about building against a remote repo. Any help would be appriciated. Dominig -- Dominique Le Foll -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org
More info on the issue of boot strap: I have added in this email the projects present in my base project (first log), the error report by osc build (second log). osc ls -b can the binary copied in :full. I am lost ??? Dominique in my base project, I have the following packages. ------------------------------------------------------------- $ osc -A bluestreak ls MeeGo:1.0:Staging abrt acct acl acpid adns alsa-lib alsa-plugins alsa-utils anthy apr apr-util aria2 asciidoc asio aspell aspell-en at at-spi atk attr audiofile audiomanager augeas authconfig autoconf autoconf213 automake automake14 automake17 automoc4 autotrace avahi baekmuk-ttf-fonts basesystem bash bash-x86 bc bind binutils bison bitmap bitstream-vera-fonts bluez boost bootchart bootstub booty btrfs-progs build build-compare busybox byacc bzip2 c-ares ca-certificates cabextract cairo cairomm catdoc ccache ccss check cheese chkconfig chromium chrpath cjkuni-fonts cloog clucene clutter clutter-box2d clutter-gesture clutter-gst clutter-gtk clutter-imcontext clutter-qt cmake compat-db compat-libstdc++-33 compface comps-extras connman connman-gnome ConsoleKit contextkit coreutils cpio cppunit cracklib cracklib-python createrepo cronie crontabs cross-armv5tel-binutils cross-armv5tel-binutils-accel cross-armv5tel-gcc cross-armv5tel-gcc-accel cross-armv7l-binutils cross-armv7l-binutils-accel cross-armv7l-gcc cross-armv7l-gcc-accel cryptsetup-luks cups cupsddk curl cvs cyrus-sasl d-feet dates db4 dbus dbus-c++ dbus-glib dbus-python dejagnu dejavu-fonts desktop-backgrounds desktop-file-utils dev86 devhelp device-mapper device-mapper-multipath DeviceKit-power dhcp dhcpv6 dialog diffstat diffutils djvulibre dmidecode dnsmasq docbook-dtds docbook-style-dsssl docbook-style-xsl docbook-utils dos2unix dosfstools doxygen driconf droid-fonts dvd+rw-tools dvipdfm dvipdfmx dvipng e2fsprogs ecryptfs-utils ed eggdbus eject elfutils enchant enscript eog eom esound etherboot ethtool evolution-data-server exempi exiv2 exo expat expect fakechroot fakeroot farsight2 fastinit fastjar fdupes fennec file filesystem findutils firstboot flac flex fontconfig fontforge fontpackages foomatic foomatic-db fprintd freeglut freetype fribidi frozen-bubble fslint fuse fuse-sshfs fvkbd fw-update gamin gammu garage-client-services gawk gc gcalctool gcc gcc-cross GConf-dbus gd gdb gdbm gedit generic-logos geoclue gettext ghostscript ghostscript-fonts giflib gir-repository git glade3 glew glib2 glibc glibc-arm glibc-devel-arm glibc-headers-arm glibc-x86 glibmm gmime gmp gmp-x86 gnet2 gnome-common gnome-control-center-netbook gnome-desktop gnome-disk-utility gnome-doc-utils gnome-icon-theme gnome-js-common gnome-keyring gnome-media gnome-menus gnome-mime-data gnome-packagekit gnome-panel gnome-python2 gnome-settings-daemon gnome-terminal gnome-utils gnome-vfs2 gnu-efi gnupg gnupg2 gnutls gobject-introspection gperf gpgme gpsd gpsdrive graphviz grep groff grub grubby gsl gsm gssdp gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-bad-free gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-farsight gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer gstreamer-python gtk-doc gtk-nodoka-engine gtk-xfce-engine gtk2 gtk2-engines gtkglext gtkmm gtksourceview2 gtkspell guile gupnp gupnp-av gupnp-igd gupnp-ui gupnp-vala gvfs gwenhywfar gypsy gzip hardlink hdparm help2man hicolor-icon-theme html2ps hunspell hunspell-en hwdata icon-naming-utils icu id3tag image-configs image-manager ImageMagick imake indent installer intel-gpu-tools intltool iproute iptables iputils iso-codes isomd5sum jadetex jana jasper json-glib kasumi kbd kernel kernel-headers kernel-headers-arm kernel-n900 keyutils krb5 ladspa lapack latencytop latex2html lcms less libao libarchive libart_lgpl libassuan libasyncns libatasmart libatomic_ops libbonobo libbonoboui libburn libcanberra libcap libcap-ng libchamplain libchewing libcroco libdaemon libdbus-c++ libdhcp libdiscid libdmx libdrm libedit liberation-fonts libevent libexif libfakekey libffi libfontenc libfprint libgcrypt libgda libgdbus libgdl libgee libggz libglade2 libglademm libgles2-qemu libgnome libgnome-keyring libgnomecanvas libgnomekbd libgnomeui libgpg-error libgphoto2 libgsf libgtop2 libgweather libhangul libical libICE libIDL libidn libiptcdata libisofs libjingle libjpeg libksba libmatchbox libmikmod libmng libmp4v2 libmtp libnice libnl libnotify libogg liboil libopenraw libpaper libpcap libpciaccess libpng libproxy libpthread-stubs libqttracker librsvg2 libsamplerate libsatsolver libsexy libsigc++ libsilc libSM libsmbios libsndfile libsoup libspectre libspiro libtar libtasn1 libtdb-compat libtelepathy libthai libtheora libtiff libtool libuninameslist libusb libusb1 libuser libutempter libv4l libva libvisual libvorbis libwmf libwnck libwsbm libX11 libXau libXaw libxcb libXcomposite libXcursor libXdamage libXdmcp libXevie libXext libxfce4menu libxfce4util libxfcegui4 libXfixes libXfont libXfontcache libXft libXi libXinerama libxkbfile libxklavier libxml2 libxml2-python libXmu libXp libXpm libXrandr libXrender libXres libXScrnSaver libxslt libXt libXTrap libXtst libXv libXvMC libXxf86dga libXxf86misc libXxf86vm libzip libzypp linux-firmware lockdev logrotate loudmouth lpsolve lrzsz lsof ltrace lua lzo m2crypto m4 maemo-video-thumbnailer mailcap mailx make makebootfat MAKEDEV matchbox-keyboard meego-accelerator meego-bookmarks meego-cross-armv5tel-sysroot meego-cross-armv7l-sysroot meego-lsb meego-osc-plugins meego-release meego-repos meego-rpm-config memuse mesa messagingframework mic2 mingetty minicom mkinitrd mlocate mm-common mobile-broadband-provider-info moblin-generic-backgrounds moblin-icon-theme moblin-live moblin-menus module-init-tools mousepad mozilla-filesystem mpage mpfr mpfr-x86 mrstouch mtools mutter mx nano nasm nc ncurses ncurses-libs-x86 net-tools netbook-backgrounds netpbm neverball newt-python nodoka-theme-gnome notification-daemon notification-daemon-engine-nodoka notify-python nspr nss nss-mdns ntp o3read obex-data-server obexd ofono opal openconnect OpenCV opengl-games-utils openjade openjpeg openldap openobex opensp openssh openssl openssl-certs ORBit2 osc ots PackageKit packaging-tools pakchois pam pam_pkcs11 pango pangomm paps papyon parted passwd patch patchelf patchutils pavucontrol pax pciutils pcre perl perl-Archive-Zip perl-Array-Compare perl-Config-IniFiles perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-Convert-BinHex perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-Date-Manip perl-Devel-StackTrace perl-Devel-Symdump perl-Error perl-ExtUtils-Depends perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig perl-File-BaseDir perl-File-DesktopEntry perl-File-MimeInfo perl-File-Which perl-Finance-Quote perl-Font-TTF perl-gettext perl-Glib perl-HTML-Parser perl-HTML-TableExtract perl-HTML-Tagset perl-HTML-Tree perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-IO-stringy perl-JSON perl-libwww-perl perl-libxml-perl perl-MailTools perl-MIME-Lite perl-MIME-tools perl-Net-LibIDN perl-Net-SMTP-SSL perl-Net-SSLeay perl-Parse-Yapp perl-Pod-Coverage perl-SDL perl-SGMLSpm perl-SOAP-Lite perl-Socket6 perl-Sub-Uplevel perl-SVG perl-SVG-Parser perl-Test-Exception perl-Test-MockObject perl-Test-NoWarnings perl-Test-Number-Delta perl-Test-Pod perl-Test-Pod-Coverage perl-Test-Tester perl-Test-Warn perl-Text-Unidecode perl-Tie-IxHash perl-TimeDate perl-Tk perl-Tree-DAG_Node perl-UNIVERSAL-can perl-UNIVERSAL-isa perl-URI perl-XML-DOM perl-XML-LibXML perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-RegExp perl-XML-SAX perl-XML-Simple perl-XML-TreeBuilder perl-XML-XQL perl-YAML phidgetlinux phonesim phonon pidgin pidgin-sipe pixman pkgconfig plib plymouth-lite pm-utils pmtools polkit polkit-gnome poppler popt post-build-checks powertop ppl ppp prelink presto-utils procps psb-headers psmisc psutils pth ptlib pulseaudio pycairo pyclutter pyclutter-gtk pygobject2 pygpgme pygtk2 pygtkglext pykickstart PyOpenGL pyOpenSSL pyorbit pyparted python python-adns python-chardet python-cheetah python-Coherence python-configobj python-crypto python-dateutil python-decorator python-docutils python-dtopt python-enchant python-formencode python-fpconst python-gdata python-imaging python-iniparse python-louie python-lxml python-magic python-markdown python-mutagen python-nose python-numeric python-paste python-paste-deploy python-pycurl python-pygments python-reportlab python-setuptools python-sexy python-simplejson python-sqlite2 python-telepathy python-tempita python-toscawidgets python-tw-forms python-twisted python-twisted-conch python-twisted-core python-twisted-lore python-twisted-mail python-twisted-names python-twisted-news python-twisted-runner python-twisted-web python-twisted-web2 python-twisted-words python-urlgrabber python-webob python-wsgiproxy python-xklavier python-zope-filesystem python-zope-interface python-ZSI pytz pyxdg pyxf86config PyXML PyYAML qca2 qjson qt qt-creator qt-mobility qt-obex-ftp-library qtmobility qtwebkit rarian readline recode rest rhpl rootfiles rpm rpm-python rpmcheck rpmdevtools rpmlint rpmlint-mini rpmlint-Moblin rsync rsyslog rtkit ruby samba sane-backends scim scim-anthy scim-bridge scim-chewing scim-hangul scim-panel-vkb-gtk scim-pinyin scim-skk scons screen SDL SDL_gfx SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_net SDL_Pango SDL_ttf sed seed sensorframework setup setuptool sg3_utils sgml-common shadow-utils shared-mime-info sharutils skkdic slang slib smartmontools SOAPpy sos sound-theme-freedesktop soundtouch spec-builder spectacle speex sqlite squashfs-tools sreadahead ssmtp startup-notification strace sudo sw-updater swig symlinks syncevolution sysfsutils sysklogd syslinux sysprof system-config-boot system-config-date system-config-date-docs system-config-display system-config-keyboard system-config-language system-config-printer system-config-rootpassword system-config-users sysvinit t1lib taglib tar tasks tcl tcp_wrappers tcpdump tcsh teckit telepathy-butterfly telepathy-farsight telepathy-filesystem telepathy-gabble telepathy-glib telepathy-haze telepathy-idle telepathy-logger telepathy-mission-control telepathy-qt4 telepathy-salut Terminal texi2html texinfo texlive texlive-texmf texlive-texmf-errata Thunar time tinycdb tix tk tmpwatch totem-pl-parser tpm-tools traceroute tracker trousers ttmkfdir tumbler twitter-glib tzdata udev udev-rules-netbook udisks un-core-fonts unique unzip urw-fonts usbutils usermode usleep util-linux-ng uuid uxlaunch v8 vala valgrind vamp-plugin-sdk vibrant-icon-theme vim vlgothic-fonts vorbis-tools vpnc vte w3m WebKit wget WiMAX-Network-Service wimax-tools wireless-tools wlanconfig wpa_supplicant wv wxGTK wxPython Xaw3d xbacklight xbindkeys xcb-proto xcb-util xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils xdvipdfmx xerces-c xfce-utils xfce4-appfinder xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-desktop-branding-moblin xfce4-icon-theme xfce4-mixer xfce4-panel xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-taskmanager xfconf xfdesktop xfwm4 xfwm4-theme-nodoka xhtml1-dtds xhtml2fo-style-xsl xinetd xkeyboard-config xmlrpc-c xmlto xorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-drv-evdev xorg-x11-drv-fbdev xorg-x11-drv-intel xorg-x11-drv-keyboard xorg-x11-drv-kvm xorg-x11-drv-mga xorg-x11-drv-mouse xorg-x11-drv-synaptics xorg-x11-drv-vesa xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse xorg-x11-drv-vmware xorg-x11-drv-void xorg-x11-filesystem xorg-x11-font-utils xorg-x11-fonts xorg-x11-proto-bigreqsproto xorg-x11-proto-compositeproto xorg-x11-proto-damageproto xorg-x11-proto-dmxproto xorg-x11-proto-dri2proto xorg-x11-proto-evieext xorg-x11-proto-fixesproto xorg-x11-proto-fontcacheproto xorg-x11-proto-fontsproto xorg-x11-proto-glproto xorg-x11-proto-inputproto xorg-x11-proto-kbproto xorg-x11-proto-randrproto xorg-x11-proto-recordproto xorg-x11-proto-renderproto xorg-x11-proto-resourceproto xorg-x11-proto-scrnsaverproto xorg-x11-proto-trapproto xorg-x11-proto-videoproto xorg-x11-proto-xcmiscproto xorg-x11-proto-xextproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86bigfontproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86dgaproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86driproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86miscproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86rushproto xorg-x11-proto-xf86vidmodeproto xorg-x11-proto-xineramaproto xorg-x11-proto-xproto xorg-x11-proto-xproxymanagementprotocol xorg-x11-server xorg-x11-server-utils xorg-x11-twm xorg-x11-util-macros xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-utils-iceauth xorg-x11-utils-rgb xorg-x11-utils-sessreg xorg-x11-utils-xcmsdb xorg-x11-utils-xdpyinfo xorg-x11-utils-xdriinfo xorg-x11-utils-xev xorg-x11-utils-xfd xorg-x11-utils-xfontsel xorg-x11-utils-xgamma xorg-x11-utils-xhost xorg-x11-utils-xinput xorg-x11-utils-xlsatoms xorg-x11-utils-xlsclients xorg-x11-utils-xlsfonts xorg-x11-utils-xmodmap xorg-x11-utils-xprop xorg-x11-utils-xrandr xorg-x11-utils-xrdb xorg-x11-utils-xrefresh xorg-x11-utils-xset xorg-x11-utils-xsetroot xorg-x11-utils-xvinfo xorg-x11-utils-xwininfo xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-xbitmaps xorg-x11-xinit xorg-x11-xkb-utils xorg-x11-xtrans-devel xterm xulrunner xz yasm yelp yum yum-metadata-parser yum-presto yum-updatesd yum-utils zenity zip zlib zlib-x86 zypper pguimond@martinb-lnx:~/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc$ -------------------------- when I try to run build I have the following error (all the required packages are copied in :full from an other obs instance) uilding gcc.spec for standard/i586 Getting buildinfo from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildinfo-standard-i586.xml Getting buildconfig from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildconfig-standard-i586 buildinfo is broken... it says: unresolvable: nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gettext, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1) needed by gettext, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by ppl, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by ppl, nothing provides mpfr-devel >= 2.2.1, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gcc, nothing provides libgcc >= 4.4.2-12.13 needed by gcc, nothing provides libgcc needed by glibc, nothing provides kernel-headers >= 2.2.1 needed by glibc-headers, nothing provides kernel-headers needed by glibc-headers, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GLIBC_2.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_4.2.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gmp, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by gmp, nothing provides info needed by cloog, nothing provides info needed by cloog, nothing provides libcap.so.2 needed by coreutils, nothing provides libcap >= 2.0.6 needed by coreutils, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libcap.so.2 needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1) needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by ncurses, nothing provides libtic.so.5 needed by ncurses, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by util-linux-ng, nothing provides libncursesw.so.5 needed by util-linux-ng, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by pcre, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by pcre, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by readline 2010/11/11 Dominique Le Foll <dominig@fridu.net>:
I have just installed a private instance of OBS 2.1 (via an appliance) and now that I have copied all the requires source rpm in my base project (MeeGo 1.0) and I try to boot strap it.
I use a bootstap process that I defined with the help of Rolla that I have documented in the OBS wiki at : http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_private_instance_boot_strappin...
Unfortunatly that process does not work anymore. With the old OBS (1.8) once you have transfered all the rpm source for your base project, obs would start to build but would just never converge. That was fixed by copying all the file from the :full directory of your working OBS in the :full directory of the target OBS and restarting the scheduler.
The error that I have with 2.1 is very different. Each packages complains about extension missing critical packages, which are actually provided by packages present in the boot strap base project.
I have no idea how to debug why the system complains about lacking packages which are present.
I wonder building against a remote instance could fix that issue but I do not find any documentation about building against a remote repo.
Any help would be appriciated.
Dominig -- Dominique Le Foll
-- Dominique Le Foll -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org
Hello Dominique, [...] Am Freitag, 12. November 2010, 00:34:36 schrieb Dominique Le Foll:
when I try to run build I have the following error (all the required packages are copied in :full from an other obs instance)
uilding gcc.spec for standard/i586 Getting buildinfo from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildinfo-standard-i586.xml Getting buildconfig from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildconfig-standard-i586 buildinfo is broken... it says: unresolvable: nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gettext, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1) needed by gettext, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by ppl, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by ppl, nothing provides mpfr-devel >= 2.2.1, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gcc, nothing provides libgcc >= 4.4.2-12.13 needed by gcc, nothing provides libgcc needed by glibc, nothing provides kernel-headers >= 2.2.1 needed by glibc-headers, nothing provides kernel-headers needed by glibc-headers, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GLIBC_2.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_4.2.0) needed by libstdc++, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gmp, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by gmp, nothing provides info needed by cloog, nothing provides info needed by cloog, nothing provides libcap.so.2 needed by coreutils, nothing provides libcap >= 2.0.6 needed by coreutils, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libcap.so.2 needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1) needed by rpm-libs, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by ncurses, nothing provides libtic.so.5 needed by ncurses, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by util-linux-ng, nothing provides libncursesw.so.5 needed by util-linux-ng, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by pcre, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) needed by pcre, nothing provides libtinfo.so.5 needed by readline
^^^^^^^^ This has nothing to do with access control, thie means your copied packages are not complete or e.g. still owned by root (chown -R obsrun:obsrun /srv/obs/build/ ), not fully parsed (restart scheduler) or something else. Access control is not active by default Best, Jan-Simon -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org
Am Freitag, 12. November 2010, 00:34:36 schrieb Dominique Le Foll:
More info on the issue of boot strap:
I have added in this email the projects present in my base project (first log), the error report by osc build (second log). osc ls -b can the binary copied in :full.
Building gcc.spec for standard/i586 Getting buildinfo from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildinfo-standard-i586.xml Getting buildconfig from server and store to /home/BLUESTREAKTECH/pguimond/BLUE/MeeGo:1.0:Staging/gcc/.osc/_buildconfig-standard-i586 buildinfo is broken... it says: unresolvable: nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1 needed by gettext, nothing provides libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1) needed by gettext, nothing ...
repserver and scheduler are using the :full.solv file (to avoid to parse all rpms on each request). So be sure, that your scheduler has scanned your :full tree. You can trigger this with obs_admin --rescan-repository $PROJECT $REPO $ARCH on the server. You should get a :full.solv file beside (check the scheduler log if it could get created). -- Adrian Schroeter SUSE Linux Products GmbH email: adrian@suse.de -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org
Am Donnerstag, 11. November 2010, 23:46:15 schrieb Dominique Le Foll:
I have just installed a private instance of OBS 2.1 (via an appliance) and now that I have copied all the requires source rpm in my base project (MeeGo 1.0) and I try to boot strap it.
I use a bootstap process that I defined with the help of Rolla that I have documented in the OBS wiki at : http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_private_instance_boot_strappin...
Unfortunatly that process does not work anymore. With the old OBS (1.8) once you have transfered all the rpm source for your base project, obs would start to build but would just never converge. That was fixed by copying all the file from the :full directory of your working OBS in the :full directory of the target OBS and restarting the scheduler.
That is for sure still working. I have just imported some new distros via that.
The error that I have with 2.1 is very different. Each packages complains about extension missing critical packages, which are actually provided by packages present in the boot strap base project.
either the packages are missing in :full, or they can not get read by the scheduler. Check your :full.solv if they contain them. Could happen when you have some new, not yet support rpm container format. bye adrian
I have no idea how to debug why the system complains about lacking packages which are present.
I wonder building against a remote instance could fix that issue but I do not find any documentation about building against a remote repo.
Any help would be appriciated.
-- Adrian Schroeter SUSE Linux Products GmbH email: adrian@suse.de -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-buildservice+help@opensuse.org
participants (3)
Adrian Schröter
Dominique Le Foll
Jan-Simon Möller