6 Aug
6 Aug
Hi, just noticed, that all our debian builds contain empty Package files. In publisher log I found: running dpkg-scanpackages Unknown option(-m)! apt-ftparchive failed: 256 can be fixed in removing the -m option in the call to dpkg-scanpackages in /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_publish: - qsystem('chdir', $extrep, 'stdout', 'Packages.new', 'dpkg-scanpackages', '-m', '.', '/dev/null') && print " apt-ftparchive failed: $?\n"; + qsystem('chdir', $extrep, 'stdout', 'Packages.new', 'dpkg-scanpackages', '.', '/dev/null') && print " apt-ftparchive failed: $?\n"; buildservice:/usr/lib/obs/server # rpm -q deb deb-1.10.27-185.3 Is there a newer version of deb available for SLE10? -- With best regards, Carsten Hoeger