Hi Christian, First of all, I'm nothing more than an openSUSE contributor who happened to see someone, in the IRC room, pointing out this unpleasant issue for CentOS Stream 8 repositories, and decided to take a closer look of what's going on. So, I can't speak on behalf of OBS admins if they are going to take any course of actions towards this issue. If I were in your shoes (and anyone who stumpled upon this issue), for any package OBS ends up with unresolvable like those for glibc* and cmake* I'd would open an upstream bug. And since there's already one for glibc, I'd pop a comment in there. Sooner or later the CentOS/Red Hat folks would have to act upon it. It doesn't seem like something really hard to do from where I sit, but who knows.
Also, if dnf does not care about the repo split, is that fact usable for us?
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not sure about that. I'm not familiar with OBS's code base (I don't even really know Ruby/Pearl) so I can't say how exactly it does look for packages (I'm almost sure it involves parsing the repo medatada somehow) and how hard/easy would be to implement DNF's logic of "OK, Pkg A requires Pkg B and Pkg B comes from the same spec file as Pkg A, so let's have look in Repo Foo. Ah, found Pkg A in Repo Foo! Pkg B must be here somewhere then ... Can't find it here in Repo Foo, so let's look in Repo Bar ... Ah, found it!". Perhaps opening an issue in OBS's GH repo and discussing possibilities wouldn't hurt. Cheers, Luciano