On Mon 05 Jun 2006 11:30, Richard Bos wrote:
Op maandag 5 juni 2006 10:16, schreef Peter Nixon:
I already created a project titled "telephony" a few weeks ago, but would be happy to rename it to the server: namespace. (Clients are for wimps!) I think that Telephony is probably a better name than VoIP, but I am willing to go with consensus here...
So, do these namespaces need to be specially created or can I do it from the web interface? If someone can create either server:voip or server:telephony and give me access to it I would be happy to move some packages over there.
Is a column in the name desired? I read that rsync does not like it, see:
Well, The namespace was not defined by me :-)
<quote> That said, from the looks of it, putting a colon in a file path seems to trip up rsync somehow (unless I did not yet find a solution). The gwdg rsync server keeps maintaining the position that the service is unavailable as soon as I want to retreive files from the new KDE: repository on their OpenSUSE mirror... :-( update --- OK, Not killed. But by moving it to a new structure they broke my stuff. Bad. Thanks for lurchi pointing out that the colon can be replaced by a '?'-wildcard to make rsyncing work again... </quote> http://braincore.blogspot.com/2006/06/wtf-pee-ooh-d.html
Well, it doesn't make things easier. Why not just use a "_" e.g.?
Yes. You are right, some of the forms of rsync commands no longer work, and it took me a little while to figure out what did, but I am having no problems with: rsync repos.opensuse.org::buildservice-repos/home:/peternixon/SL-10.1/ Cheers -- Peter Nixon http://www.peternixon.net/ PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc