Hello, I was trying out multiple actions in one request and noticed that the notifications contain only the last action. I looked at the code and found this in /usr/lib/obs/server/BSNotify.pm line 82 : # FIXME: how to handle multiple actions in one request here ? # right now the last one just wins .... So here's a proposed fix : add an actions key in the reqinfo hash, that contains an ordered list of hashes that contain the details of the actions. The Data::Dumper of reqinfo produced by the attached patch looks like this : $VAR1 = { 'when' => '2010-09-30T00:12:13', 'actions' => [ { 'sourcerevision' => '1', 'sourceproject' => 'Foo:Devel:Personal', 'deletepackage' => undef, 'targetproject' => 'Foo:Trunk', 'sourcepackage' => 'libfoo', 'type' => 'submit', 'targetpackage' => 'libfoo', 'deleteproject' => undef }, { 'sourcerevision' => '1', 'sourceproject' => 'Foo:Devel:Personal', 'deletepackage' => undef, 'targetproject' => 'Foo:Trunk', 'sourcepackage' => 'bar', 'type' => 'submit', 'targetpackage' => 'bar', 'deleteproject' => undef } ], 'author' => 'bob', 'description' => 'Test', 'state' => 'new', 'comment' => undef, 'who' => 'bob', 'sender' => 'bob', 'id' => 32, 'type' => '' }; Is this change acceptable ? If so, I guess the notification plugins will have to be changed to accommodate this. Thanks, Islam Amer