Forwarded your mail to the board. Marcus
Definitly No!
I trust in leaderless communities.
Hahaha, don't make me laugh, leaderless!?, take a look at yourself, you will not allow us to be 'leaderless' without it fitting into your master plan, you who has not participated in any conversation in both Irc and on the ML for the past year or so, keep your nose out of our affairs and
let us get on with our job ok.
Aeh, you know who did all the work for the last two release? It was Richard, Me and tigerfoot.
And Please tell me where these ideas were refined and honed, i'll tell you, on this ML and in #-artwork
Now this time you don't do it and we think,"ok we can do this ourselves since the master trio hasn't said anything" but instead you do it cowardly behind our back because you don't want actual artists who do designs for a living to 'ruin' (as you so elequantly put it).
So who is really at fault here, the one who took the first step and tried to get artwork moving as its getting very late in the game, or the one who has been cowardly doing it behind peoples backs
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