On Monday 24 September 2012 20:17:48 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Heya folks,
For oSC 2012 we need some of your creativity...
List of things: - We already have a nice website/blog banner (although a few more sizes would be nice) - count down graphic!!! - t-shirt design which works for all 4 confs (LD/Gentoo/oS/S) - a t-shirt variation for the organizing team with something like "how can this Tux help you" or "Ask me about Penguins!" or so (funny = bonuspoints) - design for on a conference bag (also cross-conference pls) - a cool cross-conference logo in b/w and/or 2-3 colors which can go on a conference beer mug.
As designer you get a beer mug and a conference team t-shirt, even if you even if you can't make it to the conf. Even if you live in the Himalaya's and I have to fly it to you myself :D (and if money is why you can't make it to oSC, maybe we can do something about that. But that goes for all of you, t-shirt or not. Talk to me or ask the travel support team)
Thanks a lot in advance and hugs soon, Jos
Oh, I forgot, deadline for most of this is like 2 weeks from now. We need at least 2 weeks to produce it and the conf is the 20th next month, so...