Hello everyone!
We are happy to announce the immediate availability of Uyuni 2021.04
At https://www.uyuni-project.org/pages/stable-version.html you will find all
the resources you need to start working with Uyuni 2021.04, including the
release notes, documentation, requirements and setup instructions.
IMPORTANT: Read the release notes. This update requires an extra manual step
to adjust a dependency vendor change, and depending on your current Uyuni
version some more manual steps can be required to update the Server (for
example if your current version is < 2020.07)
This is the list of highlights for this release:
* Vendor change for some Java dependencies
* Fix for potential security issue with Java RMI
* New products enabled
* Amazon Linux 2 clients
* AlmaLinux 8 clients
* Alibaba Linux 2 clients
* Maintenance Windows UI
* Removal of deprecated XMLRPC API methods
* Reactivation keys in bootstrap scripts
* Enable SAN SSL certificates
* Universe Security, Multiverse, Restricted, and Backport channels for Ubuntu.
* Oracle Linux UEK channel
* Performance improvements
* Redfish power management
* OpenSCAP from SSM
* Virtual network creation UI
* Logging
* Monitoring
- Prometheus Exporter Exporter for Debian
- Node Exporter Updated to 1.1.2
Please check the release notes for full details.
Remember that Uyuni will follow a rolling release planning, so the next
version will contain bugfixes for this one and any new features. There will be
no maintenance of 2021.04
As always, we hope you will enjoy Uyuni 2021.04 and we invite everyone of you
to send us your feedback [1] and of course your patches, if you can
Happy hacking!
[1] https://www.uyuni-project.org/pages/contact.html
Julio González Gil
Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni