Hello, With the annoucement today. http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-announce/2009-08/msg00009.html that openSUSE is on a 18 month cycle, maybe we need to form a group... The thought is that a possible out come of this group maybe an openSLE which would be like this model fedora->centos->RHEL but for SUSE -SLES openSUSE->openSLE->SLE-| -SLED This is from the end of the project meeting. I hope the boat has not sailed already and it is too late. My thoughts from what I have heard from talks with clients, IRC chats, and misc. WARNING (This is my honest view/perception and is not politically correct) 1. Many small business owners/small companies feel there is a lack of attention to their needs from Novell. That is to say Novell only listens to "Monster Enterprise Clients" Solution: We form a group that combined has equivelant $$$ behind it to warrent attention. 2. Many resent replies from Novell people (although it is just their opinion) through the various mediums treat SMB's and their staff as idiots. It comes off as if it comes from arrogant 20-something know it alls dictating what the community has to do. To quote some CEO's and COO... "The SUSE/Novell people act like a bunch arrogant 20-something ... that treat us and are staff like idiots.) SMB's have to contribute more time/money/resources to keep openSUSE going. (Why should we when we are treated like idiots)? Solution: Better communitcation. Some signs of improvement, but a strong feeling of being dictated, rather than lead" 3. They are really concerned "OpenSUSE distro is moving toward just a desktop Ubunto clone. They are ignoreing what was there bigest strength. Providing a Polished First Class Stable Server with necessary Desktop fetures." Solution: This could be solved by openSLE (A openSUSE centos like clone as refered in the above example). 4. "Tired of hearing we do this for fun, it is not my problem/responsibility, hire a programmer or become one." "Fix it yourself as it is a community distro. The community is not doing enough or is too small." What happens is or feels like the various groups that are part of the community are not fully trusted. What I see/feel/hear is that globally the openSUSE distro is moving to the bottom of the Linux Distro Heap. I am being asked to move to CentOS as it has a longer support window. "Having to update my OS every 2 years is a real pain in the butt! Now it is moving to a 18 month window. I really need to look at something else that meets my needs" Business like to stay as long as they are able to the release. "If it aint broke don't fix it!" "We really need a fall back position. What are your recommendations? Doesn't Novell realize who pays their salaries? What about Ubunto, Debian, Fedora/CentOS, or Solaris, BSDs?" Solution: Have the openSUSE->openSLE->SLES/SLED path available. At some of the event I and others I talk with have attended it is often asked "Why doesn't Novell offer an opneSLE alternitive?" People using the fedora->CentOS->RHEL talk of how many of the business they support move this route to become RHEL customers. I think we (being the SUSE prefered" really would benefit from a similar path. That is why I am trying to somehow get a group organized. So we are able to have our voice heard at the higher levels of Novell. Thanks for reading this. I propose using the Freenode IRC #opensuse-server channel and either of the lists in the CC. to further discuss this idea and form a group. Thank you, -- Boyd Gerber <gerberb@zenez.com> 801 849-0213 ZENEZ 1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah 84047 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-announce+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-announce+help@opensuse.org