On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:10:54 Chuck Payne wrote:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Jos Poortvliet <jos@opensuse.org> wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap5dbL7kyNzAdEhOV3g0 NFJabTRJNmJWLVVCSE4yVHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPLP4KQF
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
Should the Ambassadors take the posters to their LUG? Because, I can take some to my (ALE), I am planning to go next month. This month is Cancel because of SELF. Sure, that will work very well. In that case, add your name. If you can bring it to several LUG's, even better.
Note that the LUG has to have some space to hang them up - if they don't, it doesn't make a lot of sense because it'll be used only once or twice... Then a hacker space is a better place! The poster should be there until the oSC :D