Addresses of LUG's, UUG's and Hackerspaces

Hi all, To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters. So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them. We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending. Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D Please help out! Greets and thanks, Jos

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Jos Poortvliet <> wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet:
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
Jos, Should the Ambassadors take the posters to their LUG? Because, I can take some to my (ALE), I am planning to go next month. This month is Cancel because of SELF. -- (678) 636-9678 ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein Register Linux Userid: 155363 Have you tried SUSE Studio? Need to create a Live CD, an app you want to package and distribute , or create your own linux distro. Give SUSE Studio a try. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:10:54 Chuck Payne wrote:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Jos Poortvliet <> wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: NFJabTRJNmJWLVVCSE4yVHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPLP4KQF
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
Should the Ambassadors take the posters to their LUG? Because, I can take some to my (ALE), I am planning to go next month. This month is Cancel because of SELF. Sure, that will work very well. In that case, add your name. If you can bring it to several LUG's, even better.
Note that the LUG has to have some space to hang them up - if they don't, it doesn't make a lot of sense because it'll be used only once or twice... Then a hacker space is a better place! The poster should be there until the oSC :D

2011/6/7 Jos Poortvliet <>:
On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:10:54 Chuck Payne wrote:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Jos Poortvliet <> wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: NFJabTRJNmJWLVVCSE4yVHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPLP4KQF
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
Should the Ambassadors take the posters to their LUG? Because, I can take some to my (ALE), I am planning to go next month. This month is Cancel because of SELF. Sure, that will work very well. In that case, add your name. If you can bring it to several LUG's, even better.
Note that the LUG has to have some space to hang them up - if they don't, it doesn't make a lot of sense because it'll be used only once or twice... Then a hacker space is a better place!
The poster should be there until the oSC :D
I put the name of my FSUG (Free Software User Group) even if we are in Italy. I think it's a good idea, but I would like to have your opinion. Thank you Alexjan P.S: Hi Chuck -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:47:42 Alexjan Carraturo wrote:
2011/6/7 Jos Poortvliet <>:
On Tuesday 07 June 2011 17:10:54 Chuck Payne wrote:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Jos Poortvliet <> wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: 3g0 NFJabTRJNmJWLVVCSE4yVHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPLP4KQF
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
Should the Ambassadors take the posters to their LUG? Because, I can take some to my (ALE), I am planning to go next month. This month is Cancel because of SELF.
Sure, that will work very well. In that case, add your name. If you can bring it to several LUG's, even better.
Note that the LUG has to have some space to hang them up - if they don't, it doesn't make a lot of sense because it'll be used only once or twice... Then a hacker space is a better place!
The poster should be there until the oSC :D
I put the name of my FSUG (Free Software User Group) even if we are in Italy. I think it's a good idea, but I would like to have your opinion.
Yes, it is absolutely good. As I wrote to chuck, it'd be nice if they have a room or space where they frequently hang out so the poster can stay there for a couple of months. And if you could bring it there, we just send you cool stuff :D
Thank you Alexjan
P.S: Hi Chuck
Yes, to everyone, it doesn't have to be a LUG. Any place where Free Software people hang out and where there might be people interested in coming to the openSUSE conference is a good place for a poster! We want new people to come! Thanks all, Jos

Le 07/06/2011 16:21, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them.
I don't know if you anticipate how many lugs there are in the wild :-! just for France, here are some lists making a complete up to date list with mail adresses is a large work, not a 1/2h time :-( not to say we don't want to do this, it would be great to have such a list jdd -- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Tuesday 07 June 2011 18:05:05 jdd wrote:
Le 07/06/2011 16:21, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them.
I don't know if you anticipate how many lugs there are in the wild :-!
just for France, here are some lists
making a complete up to date list with mail adresses is a large work, not a 1/2h time :-(
not to say we don't want to do this, it would be great to have such a list
Well, if everyone on this list spends 20 minutes, I'm sure we have a pretty complete list. We then just fire a standard mail to all of them, asking if they have a space where the poster might fit and if they do, ask them to send us their address. Then we'll see how many are interested :D Many LUG's and the like are just 10 ppl coming together once a month in some cafe or conference room. They don't have a good space for the poster so they won't be interested.

Le 07/06/2011 18:59, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
Many LUG's and the like are just 10 ppl coming together once a month in some cafe or conference room. They don't have a good space for the poster so they won't be interested.
OK, I see. But in France many LUGs use cfolelctive rooms (loaned by the city) where it's possible to glue a poster. That said, do not expect they will come to Nuremberg :-) jdd -- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Tuesday 07 June 2011 19:53:27 jdd wrote:
Le 07/06/2011 18:59, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
Many LUG's and the like are just 10 ppl coming together once a month in some cafe or conference room. They don't have a good space for the poster so they won't be interested.
OK, I see. But in France many LUGs use cfolelctive rooms (loaned by the city) where it's possible to glue a poster.
That said, do not expect they will come to Nuremberg :-)
Well, if you don't expect any interest, it might not be worth it. Although we will also include some other posters and papers, I think. So it might still be nice to do :D

Le 07/06/2011 22:20, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
That said, do not expect they will come to Nuremberg :-)
Well, if you don't expect any interest, it might not be worth it.
interest is one thing, going to a remote location is an other. It's expensive and need more than casual interest. to attract real interest, we need more than posters. What I can see that's cheap is on air (real time) video transmission (streaming) of some important conference. Announcing a new foundation could be an important news :-). I remember... 10 years ago, our LUG received a SuSE box for any new version. This was really appreciated, but atm there where little LUGs and much more boxes sold :-) I think we could make some "LUG starting kit". For example 2 posters, 25 demo dvd, 100 stickers, 2 T-shirts, to be sent on LUG representatives. If we send this only to identified LUGs (for example LUG designated by ambassadors as actives), this could have an effect for may be less money than hundred of dvd. to make more people come to the conference, it's much more complicated. Only people used to international event will go to foreing country at own expense. jdd -- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On 08/06/11 07:08, jdd wrote:
Le 07/06/2011 22:20, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
That said, do not expect they will come to Nuremberg :-)
Well, if you don't expect any interest, it might not be worth it.
interest is one thing, going to a remote location is an other. It's expensive and need more than casual interest.
I suspect the same is true for people in, say, Australia :)
to attract real interest, we need more than posters.
I think we could make some "LUG starting kit". For example 2 posters, 25 demo dvd, 100 stickers, 2 T-shirts, to be sent on LUG representatives. If we send this only to identified LUGs (for example LUG designated by ambassadors as actives), this could have an effect for may be less money than hundred of dvd.
This is probably a good time to mention I've recently been contacting LUGs in Australia, and sending out 11.4 promo DVDs. These groups tend to have monthly meetings, with anywhere from 10 - max 40(?) people. To date I have sent: - ~20 openSUSE 11.3 DVDs to LUV[1] around February/March, these were given away at their monthly meetings and beginners' workshops. Subsequently sent 25 11.4 DVDs after the 11.3s ran out. Seems they can move about 25 DVDs every two months or so. - 25 to SLUG[2], which all went at their May meeting (so I'll be sending more there). There's about two seconds of video where you can *just* see someone handing them out at the start of (sorry, not really that exciting). - 25 to LinuxSA[3], no feedback yet. - 10 to PLUG[4] (they suggested to send 10, also no feedback yet). - 25 to TUCS[5], which I expect will be given out after next uni semester starts. They'll also be interested in more especially at the start of the next academic year, when they have various activities. - Handed out 10 myself at the last SAGE-AU[6] Tasmanian chapter meeting (there were about 10-15 attendees). I'll be sending ~50 out for BarCampGeelong[7], which is happening on July 9. I've contacted a couple of other LUGs but haven't heard back yet, and still have a few more I need to get in touch with (also, 100 DVDs went to the Novell office in Melbourne for a couple of the tech/sales guys, but I don't have any further intel on subsequent movements there). Returning to the original point of a "starter kit", my experience so far seems to indicate that 25 is a good number of DVDs to send to a LUG. Regards, Tim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] (site apparently down at time of writing, this is the University of Tasmania Computing Society). [6] [7] -- Tim Serong <> Senior Clustering Engineer, OPS Engineering, Novell Inc. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Tuesday 07 June 2011 23:08:18 jdd wrote:
Le 07/06/2011 22:20, Jos Poortvliet a écrit :
That said, do not expect they will come to Nuremberg :-)
Well, if you don't expect any interest, it might not be worth it.
interest is one thing, going to a remote location is an other. It's expensive and need more than casual interest.
to attract real interest, we need more than posters.
What I can see that's cheap is on air (real time) video transmission (streaming) of some important conference. Announcing a new foundation could be an important news :-).
I remember... 10 years ago, our LUG received a SuSE box for any new version. This was really appreciated, but atm there where little LUGs and much more boxes sold :-)
I think we could make some "LUG starting kit". For example 2 posters, 25 demo dvd, 100 stickers, 2 T-shirts, to be sent on LUG representatives. If we send this only to identified LUGs (for example LUG designated by ambassadors as actives), this could have an effect for may be less money than hundred of dvd.
to make more people come to the conference, it's much more complicated. Only people used to international event will go to foreing country at own expense.
Well, it might make sense to simply add as manu LUG's there as possible. We can then simply send such a 'LUG starter kit' to each, if and when we have the money. Notice that this is quite an expensive thing to do and my funds are of course limited :D

Details for Manchester Linux User Group Principle Contact would be John Heaton Infrastructure Coordinator (Unix) ManLUG University of Manchester Manchester Greater Manchester United Kingdom M13 9PL On Tuesday 07 Jun 2011 15:21:19 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet: JabTRJNmJWLVVCSE4yVHc&hl=en_US&authkey=CPLP4KQF
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference :D
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos
-- Kind Regards Stuart Tanner Bolton Linux Delivering openSUSE Retail to the UK 24 Vincent Street Bolton BL1 4SA Tel: +44-1204-410474 Mob: +44-7868-028028 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On Wednesday 08 June 2011 14:00:33 Stuart Tanner wrote:
Details for Manchester Linux User Group
Principle Contact would be John Heaton Infrastructure Coordinator (Unix)
ManLUG University of Manchester Manchester Greater Manchester United Kingdom M13 9PL
On Tuesday 07 Jun 2011 15:21:19 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Hi all,
To promote openSUSE and the openSUSE conference, we want to send openSUSE conference posters to LUG's, UUG's and hackerspaces. Obviously we'd have to ask them if they are interested and want/can use some posters.
So we need a list of LUG's to contact; and we need to contact them. I have made a spreadsheet:
It needs to be filled up with any (L/U)UG and hackerspace we know. If you have a spare 30 minutes and are willing to search the web for hackerspaces and LUGs, add the mail addresses to that list, we can contact them.
We ask them, IF they want someting, if they do, we need their postal address. Then AJ will take care of sending.
Who's up for adding a few mail addresses? If each of ambassador on this list adds 5, everyone in the world will know about the openSUSE conference
Please help out!
Greets and thanks, Jos Could you put it in the spreadsheet please? Just their mail address is what we need, unless you know they would want the stuff and have a space for it...
participants (6)
Alexjan Carraturo
Chuck Payne
Jos Poortvliet
Stuart Tanner
Tim Serong