Hi guys, recently we already had some discussion about how to fix our Python (and Ruby) packages. One rule was to (re)name all packages so that they match their upstream counterparts as closely as possible. For Python this would be python-$UPSTREAM_PYPI_NAME and for Ruby it is currently rubygem-$UPSTREAM_GEM_NAME. Sometimes this leads to ugly ducklings like 'python-python-daemon', but that already is the perfect example why we have to name it like that [1]. Darix discovered a similar offender for Ruby [2][3]. Therefore we suggest to enforce this rule for new Factory packages. Furthermore we would have to gradually fix offending packages in devel:languages:ruby:extensions and devel:languages:python (aledr is already quite active fixing the latter). Sometimes we have to break this for characters that can't be part of RPM names (like the dot for older distros). In this case, we may want to replace them with "_". Along these lines, it would be great to also provide the upstream name like Perl packages do nowadays: Provides: python($UPSTREAM_GEM_NAME) Ideally, this should be part of our Python macros. Footnotes: [1] http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2009-09/msg00148.html [2] http://rubygems.org/gems/libarchive [3] http://rubygems.org/gems/libarchive-ruby -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sascha Peilicke http://saschpe.wordpress.com